
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Clothes pin keeper

Last summer when my parents were here mom commented on my clothes pin keeper.  Hint,hint ;)

Since her birthday is this Sunday I had to get my butt in gear!  It is going to be late by a day or so,but mom is okay with that.  This one is taller than mine by about  4 inches.  Mom requested that I make hers larger than mine,but the strips I had on hand were not the right size to make the clothes pin keeper wider,so I made it taller.

The lining is another bird fabric,because mom loves birds :)  You can find the awesome Tutorial over at Spontaneous Threads :)

On the fishing front,Mr. P came home with these beauties the other night!  I see smoked fish in the near

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Weekend projects

This weekend Mr. P finally put up the block line in my sewing room for me :)  I know that is not the actual name for this apparatus,but that is what it is being called around here.

As soon as it was up I got right to work hanging up my Gothic Windows blocks.

Of course all of the blocks are not up,because there were only 24 clips,and the last 2 sets of blocks have not arrived yet.  However the ones that are hanging look so nice!  I love the fact that they are out on display instead of in a stack in my WIP basket :)

Jolene called a month or two ago to tell me that a Tragedy had occurred to her!  After I said What Happened??!!  She explained that well maybe it wasn't a Real Tragedy,at least not in the true sense of the word.  Anyway the big deal was that somehow she had lost the ear bud case I made her for Christmas,and could you please make me another one mom?

So the above photo was  Saturdays sewing project,minus the two that will be sent to Jolene soon :)  Figured I better send a back-up just in case another tragedy strikes ;)  The rest are for sale in my shop.
This bag was my Sunday project!

A shot of the inside of the bag.  There are 6 pockets,and I also included a tab where you can attach your keyring.  All of the fabrics used were from my stash,because I am trying to use the fabric from it instead of buying more.

I am really happy with how this bag turned out!  The pattern was straight forward and the instructions were easy to understand and follow.  Did I really just say that about a pattern??!!  Yep :)  The prairie points are the corners that I cut off to make the bottom of the bag square!  I didn't want to throw them away,so figured out a way to use them!

One of the best features of this bag is that it has body and can stand up/stay open on its own.  Which is something that cashiers complain about to me all the time when using my shopping bags.  So I will definitely be making some more of these.  Bag measurements are 11ish x11.5 x 6

Here is a photo of the bag/pattern from the magazine Quilts and More,summer 2012 issue.  It is called a Classic Carryall.  This is one of,if not my Favorite magazine.  They always have such cool projects to make,and to date,all the projects I have made from their patterns have been fun to sew/make!

Of course I did alter a few things here and there,but that is because I was using from my stash,so had to make a few minor adjustments accordingly.

Hope you were able to spend some time sewing this past weekend too :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Giveaway Winners

Sorry for posting so late,but I have been busy sewing all afternoon and evening :)

Without further ado.....
The Winner for my Giveaway for US residents only is Jody who said.......
I started blogging over three years ago and the reason I got started was to track my creative endeavors....then I met some great women who shared the same interests and participated in a few quilting bees which have been great. Love you giveaways! Thanks so much!                                                          Congratulations Jody,I will be shipping out your package on Tuesday :)

Next up,the  International Winner of the Giveaway 2 is Trish who said......
I love relaxing on the deck with a cup of coffee in the mornings.  Congratulations Trish,your package will be shipped out on Tuesday :)

Last but certainly not least,my third Winner is Tania,who said..........
I like hiking in mountains with family.                                               Congratulations to you also Tania!  Your package will be sent out on Tuesday as well :)

I was just overwhelmed by the response to both of my Giveaways! Thank goodness for numbered comments :)  Welcome to all of my New Followers,those who joined just before the giveaway,and those who joined during the giveaway also!

It is simply amazing to me that 93 of you are interested in what I have to say :)
Thank you for following,You Rock !!!! ;)

We will hopefully,be having another giveaway,soon!  That is as soon as we reach 100 followers :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Giveaway 2

Since my first giveaway was only for residents of the USA,because of the shipping cost,I decided to have another smaller one that all you lovely international bloggers can enter too :)  Didn't want you to feel left out!  So.........

How about a FQ of herb fabric by Debbie Mumm for Joanns,the second FQ is by David Textiles also for Joanns.  The second fabric has kitchen utensils and recipes on it.  Also included is Java break pattern 3997 from Aunt Martha.

Since this giveaway is open to both US and International bloggers I am giving away a second set of the FQ's and another Aunt Martha hot iron transfer,the second one is New Monograms pattern 3739.  One winner will be International,one will be from the US.

I will toss in a few random skeins of DMC floss with each package too!

For a chance to win these goodies leave a comment telling me what your favorite summer pastime is.  Mine is camping :)

Make sure to visit Sew Mama Sew for a ton of other giveaways to enter!!


Monday, May 21, 2012

Are You Feeling LuckY??? Well,ArE yoU???

Give away Day is here at last!!!
Sorry but due to shipping costs this giveaway is for USA residents only.

First up are three FQ's of Quilters Linen in Taupe,Sunflower,and Lime,by Robert Kaufman.

Would you be interested in a few patterns??

Perhaps you would like a Shamrock yoyo maker and a bow maker too.

Last but not least (as they say)  a couple of books for you to enjoy.

How do you win you ask???

Although I would Love for you to follow this lil blog,that is Not a Requirement for this, or any, giveaway hosted here.

To have a chance to win,please leave a comment telling me what got you into blogging,and what state  you live in.

Yes,that's it!  No hoops to jump through,so to speak ;0)  (I really dislike Hoops)

This giveaway is part of the Sew Mama Sew Give Away Day,so hop on over there and check out all the other give aways.
This giveaway will be open until Friday evening May 25th.  Good Luck!!!

PLEASE make sure that I have a way to contact you!! Make sure that you are Not a no reply blogger!!
If you are not sure,leave your email in your comment!  If I can not contact the winner,I will have to re-draw for another winner.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Three finishes!!!

Even tho Saturday was spent at the quilt guild,this was still a very good sewing weekend :)  All my May blocks are done,the last two will be on their way to the bee queen in the next couple of days.  On to my Three Finishes....
Here is Jaxin's finished quilt.  I am loving the one block that is outlined in bright red!  Since there was so much black it needed something to make it pop,and the red did the trick :)
All three baby quilts.  The one in the front is for little Gracie,then Jaxin's,and the folded quilt with the X is  baby Matty's :+)  All three are backed with fleece,because I wanted to use only fabric and batting from my stash.  Since I didn't have any/enough batting for all three,and I also wanted the backs to be soft for the babies fleece was the perfect backing!
Be sure to come back tomorrow evening for my contribution to the May Giveaway Day!!!  Thank goodness the last of the goodies arrived in my mail box on Friday afternoon.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The block that KicKed my butt

This month at Stash Bee we were asked to make a block based on one of the quilts from the Block Party book by Alissa Haight Carlton and Kristen Lejnieks.  The quilt is called "falling to pieces" and is by Ashley Newcomb.  

The block above was my first attempt at making this block.  The measurements are supposed to be 12 1/2 x 15 1/2,mine measures 11 1/4 x 15 1/2 ish.  Not to mention,it is Ugly,and backwards.  The "triangles"should be facing the opposite way.

So I emailed the queen of the month Jamie Lee to ask for some guidance/HELP!  She was such a sweetie,replied quickly,gave me step by step instructions,and even said that "it would be cool to have a different block".  She even said that it would be okay if it was backwards.

Well,I hope she was serious,cuz the second one is backwards too!  Although I don't think that I did the block justice,it is my best.  So I will be sending these on in hopes that she can at least use them on the back of the quilt.
One of the nice things about making bee blocks,is that you get to see if you would/wouldn't want to make an entire quilt using a particular block.  Although when these blocks are made correctly they are very pretty,I for one will NOT be making a quilt like this!

Today was our monthly quilt guild meeting.  The LQS gives a 10% discount on meeting day!  So of course I Had to purchase some things ;)  This is my First Ever FQ Bundle,and also my First Ever Solids purchase,Really!  Lately I had been wanting to try using a lot more solids in my projects.  (I must be the only quilter with a stash of solids you could count on one hand)  They are All Kona :)
After making so many quilts lately,I am feeling the need to make something else for a change!  Some of the ladies in my guild have these really cool bags that they bring their "show & tells" in.  While at the LQS I found this "Sassy Connie" bag pattern,which fits the bill :)  The fabric was already in my stash,the accessories were purchased today
This book should be very helpful with the above bag and any/all bags in the future :)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Quilt progress

This weekend was very productive in the sewing room!  With Matty's quilt top all done,I decided to start on big brother Jaxin's.

Here are 6 of the 12 blocks that will make up the quilt top.  They still need to be sewn together,but I need to decide on sashing or no sashing.  If I do decide to go with sashing between the blocks it will be a narrow sashing.

Remember that I was making 3 baby quilts?  One each for the boys and also one for the neighbors baby girl.  So this is part of the quilt for Gracie,the top is about 3/4 of the way finished!  So far this one does not have any MARPAT fabric in it.  I am still debating on using some,or keeping it totally girly!

Of course I did not sew these blocks!  They are the latest round of Gothic Windows blocks to show up
in my mail box :)  I am getting really close to receiving all of them,which is very cool and exciting!!  Once they have all arrived,it will be time to decide on the layout/design of the quilt top.  Depending on how many blocks I end up with and the layout,there just might be enough blocks for 2 quilts!!  We will just have to wait and see how it works out ;)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Follower Friday

Hey everyone,Happy Friday!

This week the follower Spotlight is on Lucy at...

She is a funny,charming,(pun intended ;) talented blogger!  I first came across her blog through a likny party.  All it took was one visit to her blog and I was following her back!

Right now she has a swapping party going on here go check it out!  You just might find some Fugly fabric you just gotta have ;)

Lucy is always sewing up a new quilt  such as her Stained quilt, which is only the latest in a long line of awesome quilts.

Check out this super cute matching game she made for her kids :)  These are just a few of the great things you can find Lucy posting about on her blog!

I don't always comment on her posts,but I Do read each and every one,how could you not?  When she always has something going on!  So Thank You Lucy for being a follower on my little blog :+)!!!

Now go check out Lucy's Blog and show her some Blogger/Comment Love,and if you like what you find,be sure to click the follow button ;)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Not much going on around here this evening.  I have been running around like a chicken with it's head chopped off at work the last couple of weeks.  So have not felt like doing much in the evenings lately.

Instead of sewing I have been spending some time  a Lot of time on pinterest!  Which is good and also not so good.

I have come across some great ideas for what to make/giveaway for the May Day Giveaway!  Over at
Sew Mama Sew

Are you planning on participating,either by hosting a giveaway or by trying your luck at winning??
I am planning on both!

So,any thoughts on what I should giveaway here on my little blog?  Ideas are running around in my head,but I would love to hear what you guys/gals think!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Spring has sprung,or Not!

The plan was to come home from work and take photos of the second round of Gothic Windows blocks that have showed up in my mail box.  Until I woke up to this....

Which is still going on as I type up this post at 9:15 pm!!  Welcome to Spring time in the Rockies :)  Mind you I am not really complaining,since we really need the moisture,its just not great photo taking weather!

Last time I posted a photo of the blocks these did not get into the photo.  Oops!  Sorry Sara,better late than
never tho :)  I love the one that looks like paint splotches!

These came from Kristy Lou They are so bright and I think the bees are cute.

Check out how the yellow just jumps off these blocks!  These are courtesy of Vickey.

When the package with all these goodies arrived in the box I couldn't imagine what it might be!  It was such a fat package :)  After opening it and pulling out all the prizes inside I was smiling ear to ear!
The cool thing is that my package of little thank you notes had dwindled down to one,and now there is a whole new package for me to use up ;0)  Thank You so much Jamie,this was a awesome package!

This is going to be a Sweet Quilt.  Thanks to all the lovely ladies in Hive # 1 over at Stash Bee,You Rock :+)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bee Blocks

Can you believe how fast the weekend flew by?  It seems like it was just Friday evening,and here it is Sunday night already!

These are my Sew Bee Blissful blocks for May.  The block is FireFly and the fabric
is Ty Pennington's Impressions line.  My favorite of the two is the one with the brown.
My first thought was to use the brown and aqua together,but there was not enough for the
pieces needed.  These blocks are for Melissa over at Sew Bittersweet Designs she has
an awesome blog :)  I love the block she picked,and the fabrics.  She is going to make a
quilt for her husband with these blocks!  Lucky Guy ;)

Next up my blocks for April,I know they are a little late,but only by a few days.  These
are also for Sew Bee Blissful.  I don't know the name for these blocks :(  Sorry!  They are
for Caroline over at Serenity Quilts A sweet blog you should check out :)  I don't have
a favorite,I like them both equally.  The photo is dark because it was overcast all afternoon,
and evening,I was racing against the clock to finish these before it was to late to see outside!
Made it just in time.

That was all the sewing accomplished this weekend.  This morning I also made two batches
of cookies for out lunches this next week :)

Have a super week!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

X-Factor quilt top finished!

After spending most of the week doing other things,Friday evening I was finally able to get in some sewing time :)

So here is little Matty's quilt top (X-Factor) all finished up!  It only took me a couple of weeks
longer than I planed,and since his parents don't know that I am making quilts for the boys,its
all good :)  The back is in progress and should be finished in the next few days.

Looking for some super cute summer napkins???  This is one of three sets that I finally
got listed in my shop today!  They have been finished for a week or so,just waiting for me
to get off my butt find the time to photograph and list them.

This is what the back looks like on two sets,the third set has a different backing fabric.  If you
would like to see that set,you can access my etsy shop through the button on my side bar :)

I have also received more of my Gothic Windows blocks,which I will post photos tomorrow
or sometime this next week.  Hope everyone is having a super weekend ;)  Now its time to go
get busy on my bee blocks for this month!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Follower Friday?!

It has been a busy week around here.  Mostly outside in the yard,and also garden prep!  We even planted a few things,such as,tomatoes,onions,garlic,and my herbs :)

In the flower department,the sunflowers,columbines,and a few others too!  Now if the deer will leave them alone......

Anyway,on to the topic at hand,Follower Friday!!!  I have been doing a bit of thinking about where this little blog of mine should be heading,which is another topic for later.  One of the things that I thought about is my Lovely followers :)  More specifically,how to show my appreciation of you all,for clicking that follow button on my side bar.  Here is what I came up with.

Each Friday I will Feature one of my Followers (who has a blog) here on The Sunflower Patch
so without further ado.....

Meet Sew Sister    Would you look at that beautiful Sunflower,and check out the cute little "sewing Bee"!  A girl after my own heart,Sunflower,need I say more?

Did you go and check out her little tutorial for making your own laundry soap?  Pretty cool huh,I think so too!  Going to have to give it a go myself.  How about this cute little Strawberry Lunch Bag the Strawberry fabric is super sweet :)

Have you ever wanted to make yourself a book bag to carry your library books?  Yes,well check out this
tutorial and you will be able to make one of your own.

Look at this elegant little cell phone holder/cozy

Have you ever made your own bath Bombs,or fizzes?  I never have,but would like to give this
a try this next fall/winter :)  Are these not the prettiest little heart shaped Bath Bombs ??

She has lots of wonderful posts for you to check out,so please go show some Bloggy Love and post a few comments!  While you are there why not click the follow button,cuz you know we all Love New
Followers ;)

Hope you all had a great week!! :)