
Monday, May 21, 2012

Are You Feeling LuckY??? Well,ArE yoU???

Give away Day is here at last!!!
Sorry but due to shipping costs this giveaway is for USA residents only.

First up are three FQ's of Quilters Linen in Taupe,Sunflower,and Lime,by Robert Kaufman.

Would you be interested in a few patterns??

Perhaps you would like a Shamrock yoyo maker and a bow maker too.

Last but not least (as they say)  a couple of books for you to enjoy.

How do you win you ask???

Although I would Love for you to follow this lil blog,that is Not a Requirement for this, or any, giveaway hosted here.

To have a chance to win,please leave a comment telling me what got you into blogging,and what state  you live in.

Yes,that's it!  No hoops to jump through,so to speak ;0)  (I really dislike Hoops)

This giveaway is part of the Sew Mama Sew Give Away Day,so hop on over there and check out all the other give aways.
This giveaway will be open until Friday evening May 25th.  Good Luck!!!

PLEASE make sure that I have a way to contact you!! Make sure that you are Not a no reply blogger!!
If you are not sure,leave your email in your comment!  If I can not contact the winner,I will have to re-draw for another winner.



  1. I got into blogging to document my summers with my daughter. Now I use it to document all sorts of things. I'm from the great state of Texas. Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. I got into blogging because I kind of fell out of sewing for a while and I thought it might inspire me to make more things. It worked so far :) I live in NY state.

  3. I got into blogging when I taught myself to knit in 2002 - my blogging as slowed down but my knitting and seeing has kept up :) I live in Georgia!

  4. I got into blogging just little stories during college (my cousin started me on it), but now that I live far from family, it is a great way to keep everyone updated on our adventures and my creations! (Montana)

  5. what an amazing giveaway! I don't blog myself, but I got into reading others' blogs for all of the great creative inspiration!

  6. I got into blogging so I'd stay motivated to finish WIP's

  7. Oh my goodness! So much yummy stuff! I got into blogging so that I could participate in apron swaps. Little did I know that it would lead me to so many wonderful blogger friends! Thanks so much for your fab giveaway!!!

  8. I started blogging just to document my life with kids, sewing and craziness. It's really helped me see all the little things in a different way, that's for sure! I live in MA. Thanks!

  9. I don't blog, but I love looking at other's blogs for inspiration. I live in NE PA.

  10. Amazing giveaway! I started blogging because I was leaving post-its all around the house with project notes on I thought I could at least leave them on a blog, hehe. I'm in Georgia.

  11. Currently living in the garden state NJ. My grandfather used to have sunflowers in the summer 8-10ft high in his sandy soil down the shore.

    People would always ask me what I was working on and want to see it, so eventually I started a blog.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

    handmadebytracie (at) gmail (dot) com

  12. Hi! I don't have a blog yet....I just stalk all of you on a daily basis. I love to read about other people's lives and I have learned a lot from the blogs I follow. I live in Michigan.

  13. I was reading blogs for inspiration and encouragement, and after awhile I started writing blogposts in my head. So I finally jumped in:) I'm in Texas.

  14. I discovered blogging as I would do searches on the internet for things that interested me. Sometimes those searches let to blogs and gradually I found some that interested me. Then I found more and more, and I'm still finding them. I live in New Jersey.

  15. I started blogging to record memories of my family and record my thoughts. I live in Utah

  16. Wonderful giveaway! I am feeling lucky! I got into blogging after falling in love with quilt blogs. You were one who influenced me. I loved your blog, and realized I could do that also. :)

  17. Yours is the best giveaway yet! If I can win one, I want to win yours! And, I hope this doesn't disqualify me, but I am not a blogger, but I read a lot of blogs for inspiration, and to dream of what my life would be like if I didn't have to work full- time. Sigh.

  18. I stumbled upon and discovered the world of blogging...THEN I got really hooked after last years sew mama sew giveaway day(may)!! :-)

  19. I started blogging because I wanted something to do while I stayed home with miss Maze. Then I found all the quilting blogs and, well, I guess the rest is history! I'm in AZ!

  20. I live in California. I'm not a blogger - I just love reading blogs for what others can share about their creative experiences (and sometimes their pets :).

    Thanks so much for the chance.
    lwghosts at yahoo dot com

  21. I'm currently in WA by way the Military, I started blogging 1. to have a place to chat & show my crafts 2. to follow are crazy 6pack of a household
    Thanks for the giveaway

  22. Quilting got me into blogging :) I live in NC.

  23. I got into blogging to keep my long-distance family updated on our life. We live in Tucson, Arizona :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    melissajpalmer at yahoo dot com

  24. Hi, I'm checking in from Kentucky.
    I think I first discovered quilting blogs through one of the Quiltmaker magazine blog hops. Now I read lots of blogs and I'm so inspired by them! Haven't started writing one -- maybe someday. Your blog header and graphics are gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win.

  25. I started blogging to keep track of my projects, sort of like an online journal. I live in Wisconsin! :) Thanks

  26. What a lovely and generous giveaway! Thank you.

    I started blogging as an outlet and to share my creations. I live in NY.

  27. Such a FANTASTIC giveaway!! I am in South Carolina. I got into blogging after having my daughter to share with other moms everywhere.


  28. live in oklahoma, started blooging get wonderful ideas from blog sites

  29. Thanks for the giveaway! I live in NC and I started blogging to get off my butt and do something.

  30. I live in Connecticut right now, but we are moving back to Buffalo, NY, next month. I started blogging long, long ago when we first moved to Buffalo in 1999, so that our family & friends back home in New England could keep up with our lives. xo

  31. I started blogging over three years ago and the reason I got started was to track my creative endeavors....then I met some great women who shared the same interests and participated in a few quilting bees which have been great. Love you giveaways! Thanks so much!

  32. I started blogging to enter giveaways and I live in Florida!

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  33. Hi, CeLynn. I am not a blogger (yet). I started sewing because I saw that "regular" people quilt and make beautiful, imperfect things. It encouraged me to try.
    Thank you so much for the generous giveaway!
    (hrmaris at yahoo dot com)

  34. I'm from Texas, and I started blogging as a way to share my creativity/craziness with my family, who all live far away!

  35. i just love all the inspiration and tutorials i get from blogland. it's really help motivate me creatively.


  36. What a great prize! I got into blogging as a way to catalog all of the things we do on our farm. It is as much a journal for me as anything else. We live in CT!

  37. I got into blogging to keep track of my quilts and travels. I live in Louisiana.

  38. Super fun giveaway! Thanks so much! I live in Oklahoma City and I started my blog as a way to keep track of projects and interact with the online world!

  39. I started to blog as a way to help me commit to sewing regularly, and I live in North Georgia :)

  40. I'm not a blogger, but I started following knitting blogs when I first started knitting in 2002 or so.

  41. I wanted to start doing better at taking pictures of my younger two.

    I live in Salem, Oregon. Thanks for all the goodies you're giving away.

  42. I'm in WI, and I started blogging when we moved away from our home state. I needed someone to talk to, so I started blogging.

  43. California is where I live. I got into blogging so I could find my writing voice again. :-)

  44. between sms giveaway day 3 years ago and amy's bloggers quilt festival...i just HAD to start blogging. i find it is not my favoirte thing to do sadly, so my blog is highly neglected, but i hop on once or twice a month just to keep it going! thanks for your giveaway!

  45. I think that my friend started a blog, so I decided I needed to, also. I made one post and then went post-less for months. Then I got into knitting and back into sewing and began posting and trolling around more.

  46. I don't blog myself, but I got into reading blogs for all the inspiration and how to while learning to quilt! There are alot of awesome blogs out there. :) I'm in Michigan.

  47. I mostly got into blogging to share my rare sheep with the world. It's taken on a life of its own at times, but I still talk about the sheep. I'm in Central Oregon


  48. I got into blog hopping for inspiration and to check out the latest things. I'm in Iowa.

  49. I recently discovered blogs and have been reading for lots of inspiration and advice. I live in Minnesota.

  50. I started blogging to enter giveaways for quilting, haha ;)

    1. I live in Michgan. thanks for the chance to win.

  51. I had a personal blog for years (since I got married) and I jumped into the crafting world after my daughter was born and I needed something to do to keep me busy during nap time. I live in Washington :)

  52. I had neck surgery 3 years ago (cervical discectomy and fusion) and was home and bored for 8 weeks. I just began by venting and documenting my recovery process and it progressed from there.

    I'm in Ohio (Cleveland).
    thanks for the chance...all the prizes are great but Zakka Style has been on my wish list forever.
    shel704 at aol dot com

  53. I opened a blog account to enter giveaways without having to put my email in every comment; I still haven't blogged anything yet. I live in Mississippi. Thank you for the giveaway

  54. The need to share my creations with everyone and to keep track of what I have made.
    I live in Illinois

  55. I have a small blog to document, for myself, my projects and a little bit of life. I am from Dover, PA

  56. I don't have my own blog, but I got into reading them when looking for patterns for little boys!

  57. I got into blogging to interact with the vast sewing community out there. It brings me joy to the little space in Colorado that I occupy.

  58. I really have no idea why I started blogging, I am not very good at it I think it was August last year since I have posted. I need to work on that. I am from Connecticut but now live in Oregon. Thanks for the chance to win

  59. I am just getting into blogging, which is also because I have just gotten into sewing! I got a machine in January and my obsession has been building fast! I'm in Chicago - thanks for the chance!

  60. I have started reading blogs, and commenting on them, because it is a way to communicate with people who are kindred spirits. I am in northern Florida.

  61. I found some crafting blog on the internet, and got hooked! I live in Texas :)

    Julia @ Stars&Sunshine
    starsandsunshineblog at gmail dot com


    I discovered craft blogs and I was really connects ppl together.

  63. hmmm I am not sure how i got into blogging, i just stumbled upon some blogs one day and it was like a lightbulb moment, i love blogs, i hardly even visit proper websites anymore. I am in Indiana:)

  64. I got into blogging for my crafty stuff because I wanted to keep it separate from my more personal blog/journal (folks there don't want to be spammed with crafty stuff). I'm in PA.

  65. I don't blog, I'm too much of a procrastinator to even try! And I don't know how you folks do it! Get all these projects done and find time to write your blogs too! But I'm glad you do, cause I really enjoy reading them.

  66. I got into following blogs (I'm not a blogger myself) while searching for recipes on the internet. Which led to searching for sewing blogs, quilting blogs, craft blogs, etc. I live in Ohio. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  67. I live in Atlanta, GA. A friend and I challenged each other to begin a blog. I've always loved writing letters. Writing a blog is like writing letters to lots and lots of friends.

    Thanks for a fabulous giveaway!

  68. I live in Maine, and I am a wretched blogger! I did try for a while, but it just isn't all that much fun for me, so I gave it up. I resuscitate it a couple times a year, usually, for giveaway day (but not this year - I rarely have my act together).

  69. I live in Georgia. I'm not a blogger myself, but I am an active participant in blog land. I read many blogs, participate in swaps and sew a longs, it's my connection to other creative people time without having to bring my stuff somewhere else. I love it!

  70. I live in Texas. I started blogging so I'd have a way to keep track of my projects and watch them grow.

  71. Howdy from Texas. Another quilt blogger convinced me to blog. Thanks for the giveaway!

  72. Ya know - i don't blog - i just read and learn from everybody elses. But - i have six kids - so i guess that's an excuse.

  73. I don't blog personally, I help my husband out with his blog. He started bloging the same time he started quilting.

  74. I love seeing what everyone is up too and the creativeness that is everyone is just amazing. I am in Salem oregon.

  75. love sewing always looking for cool tutorial, found blogs are interesting way of crafty talented people to express themselves and show their talents. Chicago, IL


  76. I live in Seattle, WA....I got into reading blogs when I was researching for various things at a job I used to have and would get caught up in all the inspiration stuff I found online!

  77. I'm not a blogger but I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading them, I started finding blogs when looking for tips on certain sewing techniques I started finding tutorials and It was all over from there! I'm in california :)

  78. I really love seeing what other people are up to and learning from them / getting inspired by their work-- I can't imagine what it must have been like before the dawn of the internet! (I'm in my early 20s, so those memories are vague.) I'm from NYS.

  79. Hi! I'm not a blogger, but I'm a blog reader and what really inspires my devotion to blog reading is the inspiration and creative motivation I find there. I love seeing what everyone else is creating and reading about the process as well.

    I live in Oregon, where it is still raining, at the end of May.

    wordygirl at earthlink dot net

  80. I live in Pennsylvania. I started blogging because i love crafting, but have issues posting and remembering to take pictures.

  81. Love finding tutorials. I live in Minnesota

  82. i started looking at blogs because I love tutorials. i live in missouri teachloveread(at)hotmail(dot)com

  83. i was searching the internet for a quilt pattern and stumbled upon a quilt blog and the rest is history. BTW...this is an awesome giveaway!

  84. I had been looking at quilt blogs for some time and thought it would be a good way to keep myself accountable as well as to share my progress with my family!

  85. If you mean blogging in the active sense, I don't have a blog but I follow about one hundred. I am very active in that sense. I live in South Carolina. Thanks for participating in Giveaway Day.

  86. im in ny..i started a tumblr account a few weeks ago because i wanted a place to share things i find interesting and my new projects :)

  87. seeing so many ppl share is awesome. i would someday love to spread the love.

    I live in san diego ca

    thanks for the giveaway!

  88. I'm in Iowa and I'm not a blogger but I love to read blogs. I started with a couple family blogs I read but then found some great craft ones that were very helpful and inspirational. Thanks!

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. Sorry, I got so excited about the quilter's linen-I hit enter before answering your question!

    I got into blogging because I was going to try out for a scrapbooking design team and you needed to have a blog. I need to do more with my blog! I am thinking of making a schedule of post topics so I post more regularly.

  91. I'm from Oregon and began blogging because I wanted to have a way of recording my work, but I would never journal it if I had to pen and paper it!

  92. I've liked blogging since I was on livejournal in college. I was in Ohio then, but now I'm in CA.

  93. Florida, USA
    blogless and on slow-mo dialup
    voracious blog reader as love to read everything quilty that I can and make quilts too

  94. I live in CA and really don't blog much - but started from entering giveaways.

  95. I live in Utah. And after wife got pregnant with 4th child and I again asked her to make me a quilt for the baby she told me to make my own. So now I am making lots and lots of them

  96. Before I answer your question, I had to comment and say I LOVE your header, those sunflowers are amazing and made me so happy!

    Okay, I got into blogging because I am chronically ill and I know that there are a lot of other people out there in the same boat. I felt that I had a lot to share that might be helpful to others and I knew I could learn from others as well. The support has been tremendous and it has been a great experience!

    I live in New York!

    My contact info is: scrapgirl1467 (at) yahoo (dot) com

    Thanks for the chance to win these great prizes!

    have a terrific day,

  97. I am not a blogger right now but I do enjoy following others that do and learning from them. I live in the state of CT.

  98. i live in georgia ! i'd love these prizes, bless yOU!

  99. I like reading blogs because I feel like it's a way to connect with people who have the same interests as I do on a busy schedule.

  100. I really got in to blogging because of of the crafty people on the blogs. Just to see what wonderful items they have all been making!
    I'm in KY!

  101. I got into blogging because of the Bloggers' Quilt Festival -- I wanted to participate! :D I live in Hawaii. Thanks for the chance to win!

  102. I discovered blogging through Sew Mama Sew- didn't even know what was out there in Internet land before then;)
    I live in Baltimore, MD
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway and chance to win.

  103. I got into blogging because I wanted to share recipes we had tried and updates on our family. I live in Wisconsin. Thanks for the chance to win!

  104. I started blogging to share with such a beautiful community my adventures in creating. I live in Puerto Rico. We use the USPS.

  105. I live in VA and started blogging about 8 years ago when my sister gave me the gift of Typepad for Christmas! I've loved it.

  106. i dont blog just read them and I am from ohio

  107. Great giveaway! I don't blog much, but follow a ton of blogs! I'm located in rural NY.

  108. Quilting got me into blogging. I started with books but needed more inspiration and direction. The on-line community is amazing. I don't consider myself a blogger, but I do read blogs and blog surf.

  109. I just started blogging recently, when I started doing the Patchwork Prism QAL and it was recommended to post pictures to your blog, so I thought that'd be easier than's certainly more time consuming!

  110. My cousins just showed me sewmamasew and I from there on I got intro bloging! Haha Thanks so much for the post! Very cute ^^


Comments from the Sunflowers