
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Three finishes!!!

Even tho Saturday was spent at the quilt guild,this was still a very good sewing weekend :)  All my May blocks are done,the last two will be on their way to the bee queen in the next couple of days.  On to my Three Finishes....
Here is Jaxin's finished quilt.  I am loving the one block that is outlined in bright red!  Since there was so much black it needed something to make it pop,and the red did the trick :)
All three baby quilts.  The one in the front is for little Gracie,then Jaxin's,and the folded quilt with the X is  baby Matty's :+)  All three are backed with fleece,because I wanted to use only fabric and batting from my stash.  Since I didn't have any/enough batting for all three,and I also wanted the backs to be soft for the babies fleece was the perfect backing!
Be sure to come back tomorrow evening for my contribution to the May Giveaway Day!!!  Thank goodness the last of the goodies arrived in my mail box on Friday afternoon.


  1. Three lucky babies, indeed! Sometimes I think I was born at the wrong time. And the wrong family. Just Kidding! Mostly.

  2. I am so jealous of your finishes! I haven't been finishing very much lately :)

  3. The red pops fantastically! It was a great idea. The babies will love the fleece backing. Thanks for sharing your finishes with us!


Comments from the Sunflowers