
Friday, May 4, 2012

Follower Friday?!

It has been a busy week around here.  Mostly outside in the yard,and also garden prep!  We even planted a few things,such as,tomatoes,onions,garlic,and my herbs :)

In the flower department,the sunflowers,columbines,and a few others too!  Now if the deer will leave them alone......

Anyway,on to the topic at hand,Follower Friday!!!  I have been doing a bit of thinking about where this little blog of mine should be heading,which is another topic for later.  One of the things that I thought about is my Lovely followers :)  More specifically,how to show my appreciation of you all,for clicking that follow button on my side bar.  Here is what I came up with.

Each Friday I will Feature one of my Followers (who has a blog) here on The Sunflower Patch
so without further ado.....

Meet Sew Sister    Would you look at that beautiful Sunflower,and check out the cute little "sewing Bee"!  A girl after my own heart,Sunflower,need I say more?

Did you go and check out her little tutorial for making your own laundry soap?  Pretty cool huh,I think so too!  Going to have to give it a go myself.  How about this cute little Strawberry Lunch Bag the Strawberry fabric is super sweet :)

Have you ever wanted to make yourself a book bag to carry your library books?  Yes,well check out this
tutorial and you will be able to make one of your own.

Look at this elegant little cell phone holder/cozy

Have you ever made your own bath Bombs,or fizzes?  I never have,but would like to give this
a try this next fall/winter :)  Are these not the prettiest little heart shaped Bath Bombs ??

She has lots of wonderful posts for you to check out,so please go show some Bloggy Love and post a few comments!  While you are there why not click the follow button,cuz you know we all Love New
Followers ;)

Hope you all had a great week!! :)


  1. What a great idea.. Off to go check out her blog! btw, those bath bombs look so fun! I'll have to check that out!

  2. Thank you for the lovely post about my blog Sunflower Patch :)...I love Sunflowers too, I like to grow them every year and of course you get all the bees too!


Comments from the Sunflowers