
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pay ~ It ~Forward

Kristy Lou from KristyLou's Creations  is

Which is lucky for you...
because now I get to Pay it Forward to you!

Here's the deal:
You leave me a comment
(the first 3 to do so will snag the 3 spots)
and I make you a little something and send it your way.

But there's a catch.
I PIF it to you.
You PIF it to three others.

Sound fun????
Want to join in???
Make sure you read the rules below, then comment away.

1. I will send a little "something special" to the first 3 people who comment on my blog.
I have 365 days to send you something
It will not take that long, promise.
But I hope it will be a surprise when it finally shows up!

2. You must play along.
You'll need to post the PIF button on your blog (basically a post like this one).
And you must promise to send a handmade gift to the first three people who comment on your blog as well. 

3. You must have a blog and it must be regularly updated.
I need to be able to stalk/ read all about you and figure out a gift that you'd like to receive!

4. You must link me up AND have your handmade PIF post on your blog within 48 hours of me confirming you are one of the three first commenters.
After you've done that, come back, link me up to your post.

Good Luck!
Let the commenting begin :)


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Comments from the Sunflowers