
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gothic Windows blocks & a baby quilt in progress

Is is just me,or is this week flying by?  Its hard to believe that it is Wednesday night already!  Of course time always seams to fly when a project is in progress,especially a fun one :)  Such as a baby quilt!  But first things first...

Here are the blocks received this far!  There are seven,plus the two I made,for a total of 9.  Also included is the jelly roll that will make up the rest of the quilt top,and maybe some of the back too.  It is like being a kid on Christmas every time a new package arrives in the mail box!!

Here is what has been taking shape in the sewing room this week.  The first of 3 baby quilts is now in progress :)  This one is for Matty,the 3 month old.

My stack seams to have shrunk considerably here!!  Of course when you take 4 squares and make them one that happens :)  Would you like to see the blocks?

Of course you would!  The blue and black fabrics are puppy dog themed,some of it was in my box of fabric from the Stashtactular Fabric Swap last summer :)  Some was from my scrap bins and the black was purchased at Joann's last year.

I am hoping to get this top done in the next couple days so maybe by the end of the weekend it will be finished.  We shall see...

Linking up to W. i. P.



  1. Fun projects! Baby quilts sound like a good idea - quick to finish. Now all I need are some grandbabies to quilt for and I'll be all set, lol!

  2. That is going to be a fun quilt! I love all of your blocks in the first pic, too. Beautiful. :)

  3. I made two more for you! It's cloudy so I'm waiting for the sun to come out so I can take pictures.

  4. Your blocks look great! You have been very busy lady! Can't wait to see how you finish all the quilts :)

  5. CeLynn, I sent mine out last week sometime so you should have them or will get them very soon! I posed on the stash bee site.

  6. Woohoo, love seeing that gothic window!

  7. You are one busy lady! Your quilts are so much fun to see and so colorful and creative!


Comments from the Sunflowers