
Saturday, May 5, 2012

X-Factor quilt top finished!

After spending most of the week doing other things,Friday evening I was finally able to get in some sewing time :)

So here is little Matty's quilt top (X-Factor) all finished up!  It only took me a couple of weeks
longer than I planed,and since his parents don't know that I am making quilts for the boys,its
all good :)  The back is in progress and should be finished in the next few days.

Looking for some super cute summer napkins???  This is one of three sets that I finally
got listed in my shop today!  They have been finished for a week or so,just waiting for me
to get off my butt find the time to photograph and list them.

This is what the back looks like on two sets,the third set has a different backing fabric.  If you
would like to see that set,you can access my etsy shop through the button on my side bar :)

I have also received more of my Gothic Windows blocks,which I will post photos tomorrow
or sometime this next week.  Hope everyone is having a super weekend ;)  Now its time to go
get busy on my bee blocks for this month!


  1. The quilt is great. I love the strip fabric, and the shocks of yellow and red amonst all the blues and browns. Excellent. Those napkins make me want to fire up the grill!

  2. One lucky boy to receive such a cool quilt! It really turned out nice!


Comments from the Sunflowers