
Friday, May 11, 2012

Follower Friday

Hey everyone,Happy Friday!

This week the follower Spotlight is on Lucy at...

She is a funny,charming,(pun intended ;) talented blogger!  I first came across her blog through a likny party.  All it took was one visit to her blog and I was following her back!

Right now she has a swapping party going on here go check it out!  You just might find some Fugly fabric you just gotta have ;)

Lucy is always sewing up a new quilt  such as her Stained quilt, which is only the latest in a long line of awesome quilts.

Check out this super cute matching game she made for her kids :)  These are just a few of the great things you can find Lucy posting about on her blog!

I don't always comment on her posts,but I Do read each and every one,how could you not?  When she always has something going on!  So Thank You Lucy for being a follower on my little blog :+)!!!

Now go check out Lucy's Blog and show her some Blogger/Comment Love,and if you like what you find,be sure to click the follow button ;)

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