
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Weekend projects

This weekend Mr. P finally put up the block line in my sewing room for me :)  I know that is not the actual name for this apparatus,but that is what it is being called around here.

As soon as it was up I got right to work hanging up my Gothic Windows blocks.

Of course all of the blocks are not up,because there were only 24 clips,and the last 2 sets of blocks have not arrived yet.  However the ones that are hanging look so nice!  I love the fact that they are out on display instead of in a stack in my WIP basket :)

Jolene called a month or two ago to tell me that a Tragedy had occurred to her!  After I said What Happened??!!  She explained that well maybe it wasn't a Real Tragedy,at least not in the true sense of the word.  Anyway the big deal was that somehow she had lost the ear bud case I made her for Christmas,and could you please make me another one mom?

So the above photo was  Saturdays sewing project,minus the two that will be sent to Jolene soon :)  Figured I better send a back-up just in case another tragedy strikes ;)  The rest are for sale in my shop.
This bag was my Sunday project!

A shot of the inside of the bag.  There are 6 pockets,and I also included a tab where you can attach your keyring.  All of the fabrics used were from my stash,because I am trying to use the fabric from it instead of buying more.

I am really happy with how this bag turned out!  The pattern was straight forward and the instructions were easy to understand and follow.  Did I really just say that about a pattern??!!  Yep :)  The prairie points are the corners that I cut off to make the bottom of the bag square!  I didn't want to throw them away,so figured out a way to use them!

One of the best features of this bag is that it has body and can stand up/stay open on its own.  Which is something that cashiers complain about to me all the time when using my shopping bags.  So I will definitely be making some more of these.  Bag measurements are 11ish x11.5 x 6

Here is a photo of the bag/pattern from the magazine Quilts and More,summer 2012 issue.  It is called a Classic Carryall.  This is one of,if not my Favorite magazine.  They always have such cool projects to make,and to date,all the projects I have made from their patterns have been fun to sew/make!

Of course I did alter a few things here and there,but that is because I was using from my stash,so had to make a few minor adjustments accordingly.

Hope you were able to spend some time sewing this past weekend too :)


  1. Hello productive!!! I love your block line - I've never seen one before and you hadn't said that wasn't what it was called I would have just gone on calling it a block line the rest of my days :) Your bag turned out really great - congrats!

  2. the bag is adorable and you have a really nice blog!

  3. I love your idea of hanging a curtain rod-type of thing? to clip your blocks on! You seriously put the bug in my head! No more pressing the blocks twice for you anymore! :)

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