
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bom blocks

Well here it is Wednesday (actually almost Thursday)already!  Another week half over and what do I have to show for it?  Not much...

In my defense what I have accomplished has been pretty time consuming.  This first Pile O Fabric BOM is one of last months.  The block is called Switz and is a paper pieced block,which is slow going for me,as this is only the second time at paper piecing.

This is the pattern/foundation for the second block for may,which by the way took me an evening,and half of another this week.

This is what it looks like when all finished,the name  of this block is Geo Swirl.  It felt like I was never going to finish this one up while working on it.  All the time spent was well worth it,not only because of the learning experience,but also because I Love it!

There are still 4 blocks to go before I am caught up,and they are all going to take about the same if not more they will not be finished by the end of the month like I had hoped.  That just means that I can add them to my July list.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

50/50 Weekend

This weekend was a 50/50 weekend 50 % sewing & 50 % preserving.  First up the preserving...

Sorry for the not so great photo,this jar is full of Kale chips that I made this morning.  Doing this has been on my list for a while now,the first time was a flop,but this time was sweet savory success!  If anyone is interested in the recipe let me know :)

A tray of cilantro just picked from the garden,some of which went into this...

My version of fresh homemade salsa,and yes that is Avocado in there ;)  Other kitchen projects not pictured were,sweet potato chips (still in the dehydrator),Rhubarb all cooked down and ready for whatever I decide to make with it...

On to the sewing

This is a free bag pattern from and has been on one of my pinterest boards just waiting patiently for me to get to it :)

A little closer look for you!  This bag went together pretty easily and quickly,one note tho in case you decide to make up one for yourself.  If your fabric is not an allover or tossed print you will need more fabric than stated.  Ask me how I know that...

This evening I made a Nook cover for my precious ;)

This is the tutorial that I loosely followed,with a few minor changes.  Now my Nook will no longer be a dust collector!

As you may,or may not know,CO has quite a few fires burning presently :(  We are near a few of them so sadly,the usually beautiful Blue skies look like the above photo.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Asian Salmon with Vegetables

Since my sewing tables are packed up for the Farmers Market tomorrow...I decided to share a recipe with you...

It is a good thing that these little "papers"are for both outdoor & indoor cooking.  (since we are on fire here in CO and grills are banned)

On to the recipe...found inside of Fire & Flavor package
Asian Salmon with Vegetables:

2 tablespoons soy sauce; divided
2 teaspoons olive oil
1 teaspoon grated ginger root
1 carrot,thinly sliced into 6-inch strips
2 scallions,thinly sliced into 6-inch strips
3/4 cup sliced shiitake mushrooms
4  6 - 8 oz Salmon fillets
cotton string,for tying papers together
4 Fire & Flavor cedar papers,soaked for 10 minutes in a shallow pan/tray of water
salt & pepper; to taste

Combine 1 tablespoon soy sauce,oil,and ginger in a zip top plastic bag.  Add salmon and toss to coat.  Marinate  for 10 minutes at room temperature .  In a small bowl,toss carrots,scallions and mushroom slices with remaining soy sauce.

Preheat grill or grill pan to medium heat (about 400 degrees).  Remove salmon from marinade and season each fillet with salt and pepper.  Place one fillet in center of each paper and top with equal amount of vegetables.  Fold edges of paper over the fillets and secure with cotton string.

Place packets on grill or in grill pan and cook for 4-5 minutes per side,depending on the thickness of the fish.  Remove from the grill/pan using tongs and serve.

Cooking tip:
Soak papers in wine,sake,or bourbon for extra flavor.

Changes I made to the above recipe:

  • marinated everything together in the plastic bag
  • used crystalized ginger chopped into small bits (because that is what I had)
  • grated the carrot (because they were baby carrots & I didn't want to cut myself)
  • used red onion (no scallions on hand)
  • a handful of sugar snap peas sliced thinly (in place of mushrooms)
I also sliced my fillets into three or four thiner pieces so the vegetables were wrapped up inside of the fish.

If you like salmon I hope you give this recipe a try,we loved it!  Now I want to try the Mediterranean Salmon recipe too :)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Catching up a little..

Is it Friday yet?  It sure feels like it should be,I am tired this evening.  The last couple evenings I have been getting a little sewing done.

Although I missed the link up for the ALYOF for June,that doesn't mean my goals for the month have to wait until next month.  This one is block # 7.

Block # 8 Sugar and Spice!  This was my first "love"from the Riley Blake Team,and it still is high on my list of favorites :)

Number 9,the Fall barn block...

Finally block # 10,with this block I am actually ahead (even if only for a day)!  That also means that there are only two more blocks to go!  Now I need to start working on catching up on my BOM blocks...

My Rainbow Charms arrived in the box today!  I have been trying not to drool all over them ;)

Friday, June 14, 2013

sewing bits...

TGIF!!!  So glad that this week has finally reached Friday :)

These little Post it note clip boards are fast,super easy,and best of all use up scraps!  These have been on one of my pinterest boards for a while.  They make a great inexpensive freebie,for my shop customers,or anyone else I need a quick gift for.  Of course just because is always the best reason ;)

My nice wanted to know if the clutches I sent could be minus the chain,so I made up another tester for her.  The first two will be going into my shop.  The coin purse I had made for my day on the UR Priceless Blog Hop,but had not attached the frame.

One set of pillow cases,I have fabric pulled for more,just need to sew them up.

I have also pulled some fabrics for more of these,covers for composition notebooks/journals.  Do you like my ladybug button closure?

Mom's Birthday gift this year...while visiting her in February,we got on the subject of pincushions.  She  was intrigued by the idea of the dress form pincushion for my FB swap partner.  Right then the decision was made to make and give her one of her very own.  Since she has only ever had one of those tomato pincushions.  Her favorite color is blue,and she loves flowers,so this was the perfect fabric scrap for her pincushion.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Mama's got a new bag!

Not  much to show in the way of sewing this week,but I did receive a new market tote bag,from Debbe over at Pieces to Love!  She is/was my swap partner for this quarter over on FB :)

Check out this totally Sweet bag she made for little ole me!   It is kind of hidden in this photo,but the outside pocket has my initial appliqued on it. (Love ;)

This photo shows the pocket much better!  Loving all those polka dots too...

A peek at the  inside and some more pockets.  Her bag is on the way,but has not arrived yet.

This months Stash Bee block,was for a  Granny Square block.  In one color with light in the center,medium and then dark for the outside.  Heather asked us to leave them un-trimmed,so that she could trim them up herself.

I hope to have a post up Friday or Saturday with some of the things in progress or maybe,finished by then.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

No sewing...(but a great Vacation)!

Sometimes I need a break,yes,even from my favorite thing to do.  This past week Jolene and hubby were here for a visit :)  What a great visit it was!  Funny how time always just flies by when you are enjoying it so much.

A short 4-5 hour drive and we were at Mesa Verde National Park.  We only visited one of the many cliff dwellings sites,but it was quite an interesting look into history.

This site was very well preserved,check out how black the rock is from all of the fires that were built during the 700 years people lived here.

One of the 5-6 skinny man squeezes on our two hour hike.

Taking a break.

There were so many awesome rock formations,each different,depending on how the wind and water has eroded the sand stone.

About midway through the hike were the Petroglyphs carved onto a sand stone cliff.

Chimney Rock on the way to/from the park.

One of the views from a scenic overlook on Wolf Creek Pass.

The kids left this morning,so it is back to work tomorrow.  This coming week I will get back to the sewing room and hopefully get caught up on some sewing :)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Flowers real and the fabric kind

Firstly,thank you Madame Samm and Carol for all your hard work,we really appreciate it :)

I apologize in advance for not being able to reply quickly to comments.  My daughter and SIL are visiting this week.  So although it may take me a few days to visit those of you sharing today and reply to comments,you will hear from me by the weekend.  Thank you for understanding :)

I decided to mostly let the flowers talk for themselves...

Just love how the sky is so blue here in CO.

This one almost looks like it is  playing peek-a-boo :)

On to the fabric  flowers...

When thinking about what to make for this hop,I also had in mind things that might sell well at the Farmers Market.  Table runners/toppers was the choice...

Sometimes less is more,as is the case with this and the next one.  The flowers are on one mug on this one an one mug,the binding,and the backside on the next runner.

This bench is pretty slick,so the rocks were needed to hold up the runner.

Some more of my favorite,sunflowers with churn dash blocks...

These last three are raw edge appliqued on,so that after they are washed they will be frayed on the outer edges.  Hope you enjoyed my flowers,thanks so much for stopping by for a stroll through my "garden"...

Please make sure to visit the rest of the flower gardens on the hop today...