
Sunday, June 23, 2013

50/50 Weekend

This weekend was a 50/50 weekend 50 % sewing & 50 % preserving.  First up the preserving...

Sorry for the not so great photo,this jar is full of Kale chips that I made this morning.  Doing this has been on my list for a while now,the first time was a flop,but this time was sweet savory success!  If anyone is interested in the recipe let me know :)

A tray of cilantro just picked from the garden,some of which went into this...

My version of fresh homemade salsa,and yes that is Avocado in there ;)  Other kitchen projects not pictured were,sweet potato chips (still in the dehydrator),Rhubarb all cooked down and ready for whatever I decide to make with it...

On to the sewing

This is a free bag pattern from and has been on one of my pinterest boards just waiting patiently for me to get to it :)

A little closer look for you!  This bag went together pretty easily and quickly,one note tho in case you decide to make up one for yourself.  If your fabric is not an allover or tossed print you will need more fabric than stated.  Ask me how I know that...

This evening I made a Nook cover for my precious ;)

This is the tutorial that I loosely followed,with a few minor changes.  Now my Nook will no longer be a dust collector!

As you may,or may not know,CO has quite a few fires burning presently :(  We are near a few of them so sadly,the usually beautiful Blue skies look like the above photo.


  1. I'm glad you are still out of danger with regard to the forest fires. Have you seen the new supermoon? The bag you made looks great! Glad you got some sewing done this weekend!

  2. Love your bag! And preserving garden delights brings so much satisfaction, especially in the winter when you're enjoying the fruits of your labor.


Comments from the Sunflowers