
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bom blocks

Well here it is Wednesday (actually almost Thursday)already!  Another week half over and what do I have to show for it?  Not much...

In my defense what I have accomplished has been pretty time consuming.  This first Pile O Fabric BOM is one of last months.  The block is called Switz and is a paper pieced block,which is slow going for me,as this is only the second time at paper piecing.

This is the pattern/foundation for the second block for may,which by the way took me an evening,and half of another this week.

This is what it looks like when all finished,the name  of this block is Geo Swirl.  It felt like I was never going to finish this one up while working on it.  All the time spent was well worth it,not only because of the learning experience,but also because I Love it!

There are still 4 blocks to go before I am caught up,and they are all going to take about the same if not more they will not be finished by the end of the month like I had hoped.  That just means that I can add them to my July list.


  1. those are some interesting and pretty blocks. Good luck with the rest.

  2. They are lovely blocks, CeLynn!

  3. they look fab! I was going to do Geo Swirl today but can't get the main piece of the template to print off, despite Alyssa's best efforts to help me. I think I'm going ot have to draw it out. It looks amazing though, really excited about that one now

  4. That geo swirl is outstanding :-)


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