
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Its all about me

Last night Mary Ann from Rocknquilts sent me an email to let me know that she had bestowed on my little blog...

The Liebster Award!  (Thank You Mary Ann)

Q & A (Mary Ann's questions for me & my answers)

Q.  What got you started sewing and quilting?
A.  Both my mom and grandmother sewed,but I didn't until 9th grade Home Economics class.  Where I sewed a blue velour top for mom.  Fast forward to when I was expecting Jolene,this is when I really started sewing :0)

Q.  How long have you been selling items on etsy?
A.  my shop SewCeLynn opened in fall of 2011.  Before that I sold on eBay for a couple of years.  My etsy shop has been slow starting,but since it is a hobby its all good!

Q.  What is the most challenging quilt you have ever made?
A.  Although the center piece of my currant quilt,Gothic Windows,was quite the challenge... The bee in my bonnet row along which I am presently participating in has been very challenging for me.  Probably because a lot of the pieces are quite small.

Q.  Is there anything you haven't tried yet as far as patterns go,but would like to make one day?
A.  The list is pretty much endless,as I am adding new things all the time!  One would be a Dresden Plate quilt.

Q.  Have you ever made a quilt to give away to someone?
A.  Yes,one for mom a couple weeks ago,one for Gil last year..  I have also made and donated a few quilts.

Q.  What do you make besides quilts?
A.  Pretty much anything that piques my interest,from potholders to fabric checkers games.  A Big favorite of mine is tote bags and purses/pouches :0)

Q.  What is your favorite color,or color scheme?
A.  Most everyone who knows me knows that Green is my all time favorite color!  Lately,I have been leaning towards some colors that would have never been found in my stash previously.  Such as orange,yellow,pink...

Q.  Which do you like best,purses or perfume?
A. Purses,hands down.  (I am allergic to perfume)

Q.  What is your favorite brand of sewing machine?
A.  Janome,I have a 8077 home model & dream of a Horizon...

Q.  Where do you purchase most of your sewing and quilting items?
A.  Although we do have a LQS,most of my items are purchased in the city.  Mainly because the selection is so much more varied.  For tools it is Jo Ann's w/50% coupons!

Q.  Have you ever purchased anything from an etsy shop?
A.  Yes,most recently,my Anniversary gift!  Which I will be posting about as soon as it arrives in my mailbox :0)

The Fun parts (AKA Rules) of the of the Nomination include
~ Telling 11 things about yourself/answering the questions posed to you by the Nominator
~ Choosing other blog (s)  to nominate (must have under 200 followers)
~ Create 11 questions for your Nominee (s) to answer
~ Onece nominated,link back to the person/blog that nominated you,so that they can learn more about you.

My Nominee is,Karen O of Quilting,Losing and Tea She inspires me and others by creating beautiful quilts,even though she suffers from Rheumatoid  Arthritis.

~ Questions for Karen ~

1.  How long have you been quilting/sewing?
2.  who is your favorite fabric designer?
3.  What or who inspires your quilting?
4.  Favorite quilting/sewing tip?
5.  What is your currant favorite color combo?
6.  Your dream sewing machine is?
7.  Favorite thing to sew,other than quilts?
8.  Straight line or FMQ,which do you prefer?
9.  What is one thing on your "I want to make that" list?
10.  If you had the chance to take any class you wanted,what would it be?
11.  What is your favorite way to use up those scraps?


  1. That was fun to read! I wonder what you got for your anniversary?

  2. I didn't know that green was your favorite - I thought it was yellow! I knew you like purses, though ;-) The Dresden Plate quilt is quite a challenge - would you use the AccuQuilt cutter to help you or template? Thanks for answering all my questions and I'm now hopping over to Karen O's site - thank you for recommending her!


Comments from the Sunflowers