
Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Lovely Year of Finishes ~ Mid-month check in

It has been another busy week here,mostly getting caught up on my sewing projects :0)  Which is a good thing since it is once again time for our Mid-month check in over at Melissa's blog!

Here is what I have accomplished so far,which is pretty good since it was all accomplished this past week!

Get caught back up on my row along quilt (all caught up)
Make Stash Bee block for this month  (made & mailed)
Start on Pin Cushion for Swap on FB (started)
 Posted about that Here.

Although this was not one of the things on my list for this month,it has been on my list since purchasing the pattern last year.

                                          A peek inside.

These will not be showing up in my shop,they are way to much work,but I am making one for myself.  When it is finished I will post a picture for you :0)

Three new items for my shop (not even started,yet)

The most important item on the list Gothic Windows Quilt...

This is what it looked like at the beginning of the month...

This is what it looked like this afternoon!  Super Excited about that :0)))  The center has been my only focus this weekend,what a job that has been!  Let me just say that math is not only not my best subject,it is my worst subject!!  Needless to say there are numerous pieces of fabric that went into the the scrap basket.  Some of them were used to make the top and bottom strips wide enough.(since I had cut up all the fabric figuring out the correct dimensions)

You can just see that the center strip is all quilted in the photo.  Earlier this evening I was able to get the bottom strip about 80% quilted!  There is still a lot to do,but now that the math is done it doesn't seem quite as daunting a task to get finished by the end of the month :0)

Also was able to finish both my skill builder blocks for this month.  The one above is the EM Dash.

This one is called The Mood,later this month or early next month they both need to be quilted.  Along with the first two blocks.

Hope you all had a great weekend,whatever you did :0)  Have a great week!


  1. The gothic windows quilt is a going to be a showstopper! I love the black with the yellow and gray. It just makes the colors pop!

    Math is not my best subject either, so I feel for ya. But I think the center looks fantastic. Way to go!

  2. you've got so much done! Love the organiser and the Gothic Windows is amazing! I was really good at maths at school, but when it comes to sewing maths, I just can't do it!

    I'm behind on the skill builder BOM, made the first 2 blocks yesterday but didn't quilt them. She says she's publishing the quilting design for blocks 3 and 4 in 2 weeks, I don't think I'll have them made by then to get caught up!

  3. You have been so busy! Your gothic windows look AMAZING!! Can't wait to see it all done!

  4. Your 'gothic windows' is REALLy gorgeous - where did you get the pattern - the color scheme is really wonderful, too! I just nominated you for the Liebster Award, CeLynn! Please stop by to see!

  5. Love That Gothic Windows Quit!! WOW!!

  6. what neat things you are working on. the gothic blocks are fabulous! thanks so much for stopping by my blog.

  7. The Gothic Window is a real knockout! Love the colors and fabric prints.

  8. Love the gothic windows quilt! Looking forward to watching your progress!


Comments from the Sunflowers