
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Pincushions & Rulers

In my last post,I mentioned a Anniversary gift should be arriving in my mail box soon...

Yesterday they were waiting patiently for me to come and get them!  Mr. P had been asking me almost daily,what do you want for an anniversary gift?  My response was,haven't decided yet...  until the day before when Lori Holt posted on her blog that her rulers where finally available!  Too bad that I have to wait to play with them :(  Not for too long though :0)

My good friend Melissa and I are in a swap group on FB,called Sew,Share,Swap,this quarter she got my name!  These beauties are what she made especially for me :0)  I still need to get back to the one I am working on should be working on for my swap person!  As soon as my project for this month is done...

Speaking of said project,as it is right now the measurements are about 53x57 I have been sewing together scraps of batting to get it finished.  I would like to add a border,but am not sure if I have enough scraps of batting left to do that!  Do you girls/guys think it would look okay with out one?  The LQS opens at noon tomorrow,so I could buy some more if need be,but I was trying to get by with out spending any more $ this month.  (because that would put me over my allowance for the month)


  1. Oh wow, that is a great gift!!! What a good idea to suggest those to your husband and even better that he got them! You will have to take them to LV for the class with LH.

    I think it would look good without a border. Lately I've seen a lot of quilts without them, and unless it was just solid black or yellow, I say skip it.

    Happy anniversary!

  2. Love the layout for your quilt! Fun gifts and the anniversary keeps going and going. Life is good!

  3. I'm no expert, but I think the quilt would look fine without a border. Besides, peace of mind for staying within budget is priceless!

  4. Happy Anniversary, have fun with those rulers

  5. Happy anniversary! I'll be interested to see what you do with the rulers, I've seen them around and on Lori's blog but I don't really know what they do - I know, I'm a bit thick!

    The Gothic Windows is looking amazing, I'd send you some batting if it wouldn't take months to get there!

  6. I have LOADS of extra batting that I can send to you - they're long, 4" strips - if that works, just send me an e-mail and they're YOURS!! :-) Mary Ann @
    rock n quilts at live dot com


Comments from the Sunflowers