
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mid ~ month check in (a tad late) for A Lovely Year of Finishes

Well here it is Sunday night again,I am thinking 3 day weekends would work much better for me.  How about you?  Yes it is a bit past the middle of the month,but since the Linky party at Melissa's is open until tomorrow evening (Monday)  not too late!

If you remember I am making a quilt for my mom this month,due to be finished by January 31st.  The original plan was for the blocks to be Granny Squares,then I thought,it would be nice to have more than one block used in the quilt.  So the top block on the stack in the above photo is the second block I chose to use.  At the moment the name eludes me,but it is something like Patchwork Star.  It is one of the blocks pinned on one of my pinterest boards.

The Granny Squares blocks work up pretty quickly,especially since the squares are 3 inches,the extra little border is to make the block the same size as the Patchwork Star block,which on the other hand is taking quite a bit more time to make.  However,the end result is very worth it!

A closer look at the yellow Patchy Star block.  It kind of strikes me that although yellow is not normally one of my colors of choice,this and the granny square in yellow are two of my favorite blocks so far :0)

The twelve blocks that are finished!  This is turning out a lot better than what my mind had pictured,which is way cool!  The plan was to have 16 blocks done by the end of the weekend,however due to some sewing issues (that will be another post this week) that didn't happen.  Guess 12 is good enough for now,since there is still a couple weeks to go.

Enjoy your week!


  1. very pretty, I like the granny squares

  2. Scrap jar star :) and I love love love them. They look fabulous paired with the granny squares!

  3. Using those two blocks together is genius! Love, love love the way it's looking and I know your mom is going to love it too!

  4. Very pretty! I like the look of the two blocks together! I am excited to see it come together! This would be pretty with a scrappy binding.

  5. Que bloques tan maravillosos, son preciosos!!!!!!!!!

  6. The two blocks together look great in your quilt. I really like that yellow patchwork star, too. Beautiful!

  7. I love all your blocks CeLynn, they look great and are really gorgeous together!


Comments from the Sunflowers