
Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Ripping Good Time (Not)

  Good Morning peeps in blog land :0)  Did you have a busy week,or was it kind of laid back?  Mine was super busy,and productive too.  Well,that is after all the ripping of mini star blocks,and re-sewing them!  Yep,story of my sewing life.

Here are all 16 of them,all stacked up and ready to be sewn into a nice new row,row 9 to be exact.

That is until I took this photo and realized,that Huston,we have a problem!  The one on the left is what they are supposed to look like.  Unfortunately,it is was the only one of the 16 that I sewed correctly :0(  Why is it that I never see things like this until taking photos?

Dang that Murphy anyway!@&*!  Moving on....

Here they are next to my blocks for mom's quilt blocks,just to give you an idea of how small they are.

Twinkly Winter Stars all re-sewn together!  They are very cute,and very Done :0)

Last night I finished sewing the last block for mom's quilt,AKA,Star Granny quilt (the name I have decided on).  This morning is grey and cloudy,it is supposed to snow!  Thank goodness there is no wind yet,because the first thing I did was to grab all the blocks and run outside to spray baste them!

After breakfast,it was off to sew up my January bee block.  A stripy dresden plate in blue tone on tones with white.  Thank goodness this one went together without a hitch :0)

The rest of my day will be spent working on getting the Star Granny quilt blocks quilted!  Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend ;0)


  1. You were busy, especially with having to rip out all those blocks. Hate when that happens! But they are cute little twinkly stars now! Can't wait to see your mom's quilt all done.

  2. too bad you had to do all that ripping, I hate doing that. Stars look cute now though.

  3. Those friendship stars are really teeny-tiny! Your strippy bee block looks awesome!


Comments from the Sunflowers