
Friday, January 18, 2013

BOM Fabric choices & Winner Reveal!

Hey gang,hope everyone had a great week :)  It was a busy hoppin week for me,what with all the blogs to read on the hop,and then all the emails to respond to!  There wasn't much time for sewing,but I did manage to squeeze in a few minutes here and there ;)

As promised I have a Giveaway & Winner to Reveal!!!  Mr. Random has spoken....

Judy B's was the seventh comment,so ConGratuLations to Judy who said...
What a wonderful idea to make flags with words!  Thank you for sharing and the giveaway.

I have already contacted Judy to let her know she is the winner :0)  Thank you to everyone who hopped by and left me a Sweet comment!  You peeps Rock ;0)  Thanks also to those of you who took the time to read my post,you also Rock!

Here is a bit of Eye Candy for you Judy,this will be heading your way sometime early next week ;0)  Six different fat quarters of text/wordy fabric a little pattern and some alphabet beads too.  Hope you like it,and can find some quilty/crafty projects to use it in.

Although I have yet to get my fabric choice for the BOM over at Pile O' Fabric  posted to the Flickr Group they have been chosen!  With the exception of the background fabric,because I want to use something from my stash,but am undecided about what color to use.  So,that being said,please leave me a comment with your opinion,I would greatly appreciate it :0)

These Over the Rainbow Batiks are what I will be using!  Pretty excited about that,as I really love batiks,and these are so bright and cheery :0)

Here they are with Kona Medium Gray on the left and Kona Ash on the right (in the background).  I am leaning toward the Kona Ash,or maybe black...  What would you choose,one of my colors,or something else perhaps??

Hope you all enjoy the Weekend!


  1. Congrats, Judy B! It was a fun blog hop, CeLynn:)

  2. Congrats to Judy B! Love the choice would be black to make those great colors really 'pop'!

  3. I like the Ash but I agree with Terry that black would really make the colors pop!


Comments from the Sunflowers