
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Citrus Bag ~ & ~ other stuff

Today started out sunny and hot and ended up grey and comfortable!  I am okay with that especially since the hot left for parts unknown.  This afternoon there was finally time to sit down and do some sewing :)

Here is my new Citrus Bag!  It is designed to be a "carry all" kind of bag/tote,but it will mostly be used as a shopping bag.  The name comes from the bright citrus colors in the fabrics used to make it.  The fabric that makes up the top portion of the bag has been in my stash for a few years.

I re-discovered it recently while straightening up the stash,and pulled it out.  It went onto the corner of my sewing table where it sat until inspiration nudged me in the bag/tote direction :)  Do you ever "re-discover fabric" in your stash?  There are two pockets inside that go up about 3/4 of the way towards the top of the bag.  They are made from the main fabric used on the outside of the bag.

You can see how grey it is in this photo.  The dimensions of the bag are 13 inches tall/high by 12 inches end to end by 5 3/4 inches across the bottom/side to side.  Quite roomy for holding grocery's or whatever you are purchasing.

This is my latest set of solar lights.  I found the glasses at the same thrift store as the owl jar,and just loved them!  The thing that makes them so cool/unique is the fact that they are all staggered in height.

A close up of one,of the three.  I was calling them wine/champagne glasses,but Mr. P says that they are Cordial glasses.

This shot will give you an idea of just how tall these are,remember the bag is 13 inches tall/high.  This set is available in my shop.

My inspector of all things crafty,Midas,was not to pleased about having to inspect from the window ;)

He decided to go pout in the garden,I am sure that he is pouting since he looked everywhere but at me while I had the camera!

Now its off to cut some Christmas fabric up into 112 5"Charms for a swap!!!

A parting shot of the glass coffee/espresso solar lights that light the stairs at night.


  1. CeLynn, Love, love, love your focus fabric on the bag! The colors are gorgeous! Did you have a pattern or just made it up? I do re-discover fabrics every time I need to take out new ones for a project. You can't remember every single one of them all the time... I guess :)
    The solar lights look awesome with those tall glasses, hope they light your way at night!
    Inspector cat totally looks like our professor cat :) He wants to see and know everything. Hilarious! :))))

  2. LOve the bag, you took a basic tote and gave it personality with the great colors and the pieced panel. Good joooob!

  3. I love your bag. The last time I re-discovered fabric in my stash, it turned into a giant star that I use as a shower curtain. Come on over to and see it.

  4. Love the bag the colours are gorgeous. Your solar lights look great what a fantastic idea. Ali x

  5. The bags lovely you did a great job!

  6. Can't wait to get your charms :) LOL There is another swap that just opened today - dots/stripes paired with solids. I love the bag - one day you need to do a tutorial for all your bags :)

  7. Love your tote bag! Love the bright colors. I am sure if I took time out to revisit my stash I would be re inspired to make something different than what was originally intended.

  8. What a beautiful bag, love the fabrics! Your new solar lights are neat and Midas does seem a bit unhappy to be left inside! Thanks for sharing.
    Quilting at the River Linky Party Tuesday


Comments from the Sunflowers