
Monday, July 23, 2012

Stash Giveaway (Traveling that is)!!!

It has been so busy around here that I completely spaced off telling you about winning one of the Traveling Stash boxes!!!!  How is that even possible?

So today this was in the box patiently waiting for me!  Although I would have loved nothing better than  to open it a second after walking through the door,it had to wait until after dinner.

Would you like to win this little gem for yourself?  Yes?  Okay,here are the Rules......

  1. Be an active blogger. Post about receiving and the giveaway on your blog in a timely manner.
  2. There is a note in the box that logs where the box has been. Please add your info and place the note back in the box.
  3. There is a list of Rules and Guidelines in the box. Please read and follow these and return the list to the box.
  4. You may take anything you like from the box. Just replace every item with comparable quilt shop quality items equal to the amount taken.
  5. Ship the box to the next person in a reasonable amount of time.
  6. Due to the amount of postage shipping is only within the USA. 

Here is a peek inside the box after it had been opened up!  It was packed full.

The books pattern and notions included in the box.

   A few scraps of vinyl.

Most of the fabric,but not all of it.

The rest of the fabric that was in the box.

This pile of goodies is what I am taking from the box!  Check out those tiny little zippers,they are just way to cute to resist :)  Love the bag on the cover of the magazine,it is going on my list.  There were two packages of tiny little button kits,so one is staying with me.

Items taken from box,12 pieces of fabric,three zippers,one tiny covered buttons package,and one magazine.

Items replacing what I took from the box.
One magazine,three zippers,one package of magnetic closures,12 cuts of fabric.

Interested in winning this Traveling Stash Box????  Of course you are :)    Leave me a comment below for a chance to win!  

Winner will be chosen sometime Friday evening July 27th!!!  Good Luck Everyone :0)


  1. I am definitely interested in winning! I keep trying but no one ever picks me!

  2. I'd love a chance in this box! Thanks for adding some yummy stuff to it! :)

  3. I think you made some wonderful choices - and added some super things back. I spy some goodies that I would love! Would love to have this box come visit me.

  4. I really like the bag on the cover of that magazine as well, you made a good choice!

  5. I love this idea. Would love to win!


Comments from the Sunflowers