
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A little Garden update

Since this week has been mostly spent outside,I decided to show you a few photos of how the garden is progressing.

when this picture was taken only one of the little flowers was blooming,this evening the whole row of them was a bloom :)

The small patch of sunflowers in the garden are blooming pretty good now.  They always make me smile :)

The peas,peppers,tarragon,and the cucumbers are still a little small.  However since it is warming back up,it won't be long before they take off.

We had a salad for dinner,with all the goodies from the garden,yum :)  After dinner we harvested 4 gallon size bags of lettuce.  One row of it is hiding behind the Swiss Chard,we also picked 4 bags of it too.  Some of it is going to work with me,some with Mr. P.  The last bag of each will be staying in the fridge.  I picked 4 sandwich size bags of cinnamon basil to share also :)

Will you look at those tomatoes?!  We had to trim them up a bit,so the nutrients would not all be going to the limbs instead of the tomatoes themselves!  The Radishes are looking good also.

The squash are already producing nicely,this last weekend I baked 4 loves of Zucchini Bread :)

On the crafting front,this is my latest solar light!  I picked up this little owl jar the last time we were out thrifting.  Hopefully there will be time to sew,and finish up the grocery bag that is in progress,in the next couple of evenings.  Have you been enjoying all the fruits/veggies of summer ;)

Happy sewing,crafting,gardening!


  1. Love the sunflowers in your garden :-) They make me smile too. I am a new follower and enjoy reading your blog.

  2. The garden looks wonderful! That owl light is super cute :)

  3. Your garden looks wonderful, great tomato plants so healthy looking...

  4. Your garden looks wonderful, great tomato plants so healthy looking...

  5. Your garden looks really gorgeous! I love the look of the sunflowers! I'd love to have a vegetable garden where I can just go out a harvest. Neat!

  6. Wow, your garden looks great. We are only growing beans, tomatoes, carrots and one watermelon (never grown one before..) I'm hoping for a watermelon :) I totally love that owl jar, I love owls and I would have bought it too!!


Comments from the Sunflowers