
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pay ~ It ~Forward

Kristy Lou from KristyLou's Creations  is

Which is lucky for you...
because now I get to Pay it Forward to you!

Here's the deal:
You leave me a comment
(the first 3 to do so will snag the 3 spots)
and I make you a little something and send it your way.

But there's a catch.
I PIF it to you.
You PIF it to three others.

Sound fun????
Want to join in???
Make sure you read the rules below, then comment away.

1. I will send a little "something special" to the first 3 people who comment on my blog.
I have 365 days to send you something
It will not take that long, promise.
But I hope it will be a surprise when it finally shows up!

2. You must play along.
You'll need to post the PIF button on your blog (basically a post like this one).
And you must promise to send a handmade gift to the first three people who comment on your blog as well. 

3. You must have a blog and it must be regularly updated.
I need to be able to stalk/ read all about you and figure out a gift that you'd like to receive!

4. You must link me up AND have your handmade PIF post on your blog within 48 hours of me confirming you are one of the three first commenters.
After you've done that, come back, link me up to your post.

Good Luck!
Let the commenting begin :)


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gothic Windows blocks & a baby quilt in progress

Is is just me,or is this week flying by?  Its hard to believe that it is Wednesday night already!  Of course time always seams to fly when a project is in progress,especially a fun one :)  Such as a baby quilt!  But first things first...

Here are the blocks received this far!  There are seven,plus the two I made,for a total of 9.  Also included is the jelly roll that will make up the rest of the quilt top,and maybe some of the back too.  It is like being a kid on Christmas every time a new package arrives in the mail box!!

Here is what has been taking shape in the sewing room this week.  The first of 3 baby quilts is now in progress :)  This one is for Matty,the 3 month old.

My stack seams to have shrunk considerably here!!  Of course when you take 4 squares and make them one that happens :)  Would you like to see the blocks?

Of course you would!  The blue and black fabrics are puppy dog themed,some of it was in my box of fabric from the Stashtactular Fabric Swap last summer :)  Some was from my scrap bins and the black was purchased at Joann's last year.

I am hoping to get this top done in the next couple days so maybe by the end of the weekend it will be finished.  We shall see...

Linking up to W. i. P.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

This ~ N ~ That

This past week has been a lazy one in the sewing department.  After the intense focus to finish Gil's quilt in time,I needed a little break :)

Friday evening I finally headed down the hall and into my sewing room.  The idea was to make a small quick project that didn't take long to finish.  A doll quilt fit the bill just perfectly!

The print on the backside is a little busy so I added some strips of prints from the front side.

The inner corners,with the pink and brown prints,were already sewn up and just sitting on
my sewing table waiting for the right project to use them in.  The points on my green and
brown triangles ended up getting chopped off,but I still like how this turned out :)  It will be
going in my shop soon!

While we were in Cali the RedBuds were in full bloom!  I miss seeing them like this.

A parting shot for you.  This is an Historical Site on I80 in Nevada,sorry I don't remember
exactly where it is,even tho I have passed it many times in my travels back and forth.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Vacation is a wonderful thing,that being said....
It is good to be home,and not driving!
(out of 11 days,5 were spent driving)

Gil enjoying his new quilt.
He is such a sweet guy,he gave Mr. P and I his quilt to use
while we visited :)  So he didn't actually get to sleep under
it until we left!

The folded up blanket in the above photo is what he used
while we were there.

Here it is on his bed in the Barracks.  As you can see he
is using the back side as the top.  He texted me this photo
last night with the caption"my quilt is Very Warm,I Love it"

My guess is that this (the label) is the reason he is using it
upside down,LOL!  He thought this was"So Cool Mom,How
did you do that")

We stayed at a buddy's apartment in the spare bedroom.  Gil
slept on their couch.  They borrowed a mattress and
boxspring from another buddy/neighbor for us to sleep on :)

So,I need to make a couple of baby quilts,to say thank you!
The friends we stayed with have 2 boys,a 14 month old and
a 2 1/2 month old.  The neighbor has a 5 month old little

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


So all week I have been hibernating in my sewing room.
Sewing like a woman possessed,trying to get this finished.
Tuesday after work I had nothing but problems for three straight

(attaching the binding here)

This evening I was Finally able to finish!!!

So here it is.
I will post much better photos after I give it to Gil :)
Although that might not be until after we return from Cali.

I can finally breath a sigh of relief!  I made it in the nick
of time :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Weekend Progress

Friday after work I had to take a little time out from Gil's
quilt and make my block Tutorial for Stash Bee.

April is my month to be Queen ;)

So here is my block

Gothic Windows!

Meanwhile back at the ranch ;)  er,I mean back to Gil's

This is my quilt label.  I really wanted to make sure that
it was obvious who this quilt belonged to.  So this is what
I came up with.

All 35 blocks,sandwiched,and quilted.


The last six blocks.  They were supposed to be
made from some cammies  that Gil could
no longer wear,since they had holes in them.

Unfortunately,he didn't send them to me.  So
at the last minute I had to dig around in my
stash and find something that might go with
the other fabrics in the quilt.  (in other words)
I adapted and overcame ;)