
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Home Sweet Home

Vacation is a wonderful thing,that being said....
It is good to be home,and not driving!
(out of 11 days,5 were spent driving)

Gil enjoying his new quilt.
He is such a sweet guy,he gave Mr. P and I his quilt to use
while we visited :)  So he didn't actually get to sleep under
it until we left!

The folded up blanket in the above photo is what he used
while we were there.

Here it is on his bed in the Barracks.  As you can see he
is using the back side as the top.  He texted me this photo
last night with the caption"my quilt is Very Warm,I Love it"

My guess is that this (the label) is the reason he is using it
upside down,LOL!  He thought this was"So Cool Mom,How
did you do that")

We stayed at a buddy's apartment in the spare bedroom.  Gil
slept on their couch.  They borrowed a mattress and
boxspring from another buddy/neighbor for us to sleep on :)

So,I need to make a couple of baby quilts,to say thank you!
The friends we stayed with have 2 boys,a 14 month old and
a 2 1/2 month old.  The neighbor has a 5 month old little


  1. Back or front, that is a wonderful quilt. Glad you had a nice visit.

  2. It is so gorgeous, and what a special gift!! And he's right, that label is tooo cool! Sounds like you will be keeping busy with baby quilts for a while, huh? :o) What generous friends/neighbors!

  3. I love how the quilt turned out! I am glad your son liked it.

  4. Wow! Both sides were quilted! No wonder this one took a while to do...fantastic job, Mom!

  5. It is stunning CeLynn! And I love the label you made! Of course he loved it - his mom made it for him...and it is amazing!

  6. I feel your pain CeLynn! :) We took a cross country trip last summer driving from NY to Death Valley, CA in 17 days and 8000 miles :)Gil's quilt does look awesome, he's totally right! :)


Comments from the Sunflowers