
Friday, January 20, 2012

First UFO finish of 2012!!!

Can I get a Whoop,Whoop!!
I finished this and posted photos to the After Christmas Sew
Along with seconds to spare (literally)!

You can find the post from last year here about when the
quilt top was finished.

I started quilting it on Wednesday evening after dinner,
finished last night around a quarter after ten.
This evening between phone calls and other interruptions
I was able to finish and get photos posted by the ten o clock

This is also one of the projects on my Winter Stitching List,
that Sarah over at FairyFace Designs is hosting!
One down a bunch to go.

Linking up to the following...

crazy mom quilts
KristyLou's Creations

Have a Wonderful weekend ;)


  1. Congratulations on your first finish for 2012! WHOOP! WHOOP!

  2. The firstie is a goodie! That's so pretty, and the balance and placement of light and dark is perfect.

  3. Yahoo on the finish and it's just beautiful! Congratulations!

  4. What beautiful colors! I love it! :o)

  5. Whoop, whoop! It looks great, CeLynn! Congrats on your first finish of the year! Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

  6. Whoop, Whoop!! It looks great! I like the sunflowers :)

  7. So pretty! I love everything about it!!!


Comments from the Sunflowers