
Monday, January 16, 2012

Block Party!

First up is one of the 2 blocks for this month in the Sew
Bee Blissful Bee.
It is a Garden fence block.  The border looks purple on my screen,
but is is actually grey!

Garden Fence block # 2.  This was a easy block and went
together very quickly.
I hope that Christine likes them :0)
You can check out her photos here on Flickr I would share her
blog,but sadly,I don't know if she has one or not!

Next up are my first 4 blocks for the,sew.happy.quilt QAL
hosted by Jenna over at SewHappyGeek  In reverse order.

The above block,QST Pinwheel,is block # 4
This is such a hard block for me to get sewn together correctly.
This is the block that Jenna also picked for her month in the
Sew Bee Blissful bee.

I quit counting after the 4th time of ripping things out!  Don't
get me wrong,I love how the finished block looks,just not the
total hair pulling out,tantrum throwing,cussing a blue streak,

Block # 3 is called Friendship Star.
This block went together quite nicely,and fairly quickly too.
Out of the 4 blocks we have done so far this is my favorite,hands
down :)
Not only because it was easy,but also because I really love
the fabrics I chose to use for this one.

Block # 2

This block was easy peasy!
I am not sure however if I like the fabrics I picked for this one.
I am thinking that it is just Way Too Busy,so I might re-do it
with solids for the center and outside corners.
We shall see.

Lastly,or Firstly,however you want to look at it
The Woven block.
This was Super Easy,overall I am happy with it.
I am considering putting a solid color sashing around the
What do you peep's think?  Yes/No and if so white,or another
solid like,a matching pink,teal/aqua,red.....

Not too long ago Gil asked me to make him a quilt.
Although I searched High and Low for the fabric he
requested,it was not to be found :(
So,I decided that while continuing the search in hopes of
eventually finding some,I would go ahead and start with some
Patriotic fabric in my stash.
(with Gil's approval,of course)

I put the MARPAT (Marine Patrol) fabric under  the
 blocks,because the white blended in with my sewing
These 2 blocks are wonky stars.  I am still considering
how many of each block to make.

While I was at Joann's on vacation Gil picked out the
Woodland print MARPAT fabric.  Even tho as he said,it isn't
the "Real/Official" stuff,it is close enough for a quilt.

He is going to send me a pair of his camos that he ripped and
doesn't wear anymore.
When he does I will incorporate the salvageable fabric into the

The last block from my "block party"
I had to tweak the two garden fence blocks
to get them the 12 1/2 inch size that I needed.

They don't look bad tho!


  1. lovely blocks!

    I too just worked on a patriotic one- red/white/blue & ACU (army digital) worked up into a courthouse steps block.

    I'm really liking the winky stars

  2. Love all the blocks! You will have to check out mine for the quilt a long. I am using the fabric I won in your giveaway. :)

  3. I am really loving that yellow block with the yellow chairs! So hip! So fresh!

  4. The garden fence blocks are so cool. And they look good in the bigger size too. Hope you can find the fabric you want soon, but in the mean time, the blocks you're making are superb!

  5. Those are all beautiful. I love the polka dots!

  6. Wow that's lot of blocks!! They're all great and I love the Garden Fence ones :)

  7. Block party is right! You've been busy! They all look great!


Comments from the Sunflowers