
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Second quilt finish!!!

This evening after work and dinner I was able to finish up
this baby quilt.
It is the only small quilt that was in my UFO box.

After it has been washed it will be going to the local Teen
Pregnancy Center,which is where I donate the most.  They
also help out young family's in need.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Winter Stitching List ~ Mid Winter Check In ~

So,it is time to check in to see how we are
doing with our "Winter List"
Here goes...

First up are some things that I made for Jolene,I don't have
pictures of them all.  Because some of them are already at
their new home :)
This first one is her clothes pin holder/keeper,you can
check out the tutorial I used Here it is the same one I used
last summer to make mine :)

Next up Sprocket Pillows
Jolene picked out some fabric at one of the LQS where she
lives,while we were visiting earlier this month.  So I hope
She doesn't mind that I changed my mind and used some
of the fabric from her Table Runners at her Wedding to make
these!  (I don't think she will)

Here is the apron that I made for her.
The things I don't have photos for are...
Abby Bag
Tissue Holder
and last but not least
Tortilla warmer,But they are all

My Christmas place mat.

Mr. P's place mat.

Mom's mug rug.

Dad's mug rug.

Spruce ~ It ~up

The first of the 3 wristlets,only I decided to make this one
and the next one pouches instead. :)

These were from a Christmas block that I "messed up" but
didn't want to toss out,so decided to make pouches out of

This is a smaller version of the one that Stephanie over at
Spontaneous Threads has a tutorial for!
I made several of these this past summer,I like them so much
that I decided to make another for my Sis!  She is not the purse
packing kind of gal,but when she goes out she needs something,
since dresses don't have pockets like her standard Blue Jeans ;)

The table runner I made for our guild swap.

Table runner I made for the SewHappyGeek
Table Runner Swap.

My PineCone Ornaments,I finished them all
but only have a photo of these three.

Mini Quilt/Twister Wall hanging.

Last finish is my Posie Patch Quilt!
So to total it up...
2 Table Runners
All of Jolene's "B" Day gifts :)
2 Place Mats
Mom & Dad's Mug Rugs
Mini Quilt
3 Wristlets/Pouches
Spruce ~ It ~ Up
PineCone Ornaments
Posie Patch Quilt

I forgot to post a pic of myYoYo Trees
So you can check them out on my Flickr page.

Also the ornament Balls,which I made up,but sold
Every Single One!!!
However I purchased more,so will make more :)

Not Finished...
5 more quilt tops to go
Fabric Snowflakes ~ I have a plan for these (soon)
Gil's Quilt ~ In progress
Key Fobs ~ No progress
This & That Pattern ~ No progress
Shirt off my Bag,Bags ~ No progress
OOh Rah Wallet ~ No progress :( (yet)!

I have decided to ditch the 5 Doll dress panels and
sell them in my shop instead.

So my total is approximately 50/50,which is very
I have also made the decision Not to add anything new
so that I can concentrate on finishing the rest of my
List.  That way I will have Every UFO finished,which
is/will be an AWESOME thing :0)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Giveaway over at ~ Sew bitter sweet designs ~

My bloggy friend Melissa over atSew Bitter Sweet Designs
is hosting a Giveaway!!

This is one of the cool things you could win :)

Here is the other Sweet item you could be the Lucky new
Owner of!

So get over there and enter & Good Luck!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

January blocks for Sunni

This is my first ever tree block!
It is also the first tree block that I made for Sunni over at
Love affair with my Brother
She requested Tree of Life blocks for her month at
Stash Bee

Block number two,this block just came together as I went
along.  Unlike the first one which I had an idea for since
learning that we would be making tree blocks.

My improv Signature block.

All three blocks!

Hope Sunni likes them :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

First UFO finish of 2012!!!

Can I get a Whoop,Whoop!!
I finished this and posted photos to the After Christmas Sew
Along with seconds to spare (literally)!

You can find the post from last year here about when the
quilt top was finished.

I started quilting it on Wednesday evening after dinner,
finished last night around a quarter after ten.
This evening between phone calls and other interruptions
I was able to finish and get photos posted by the ten o clock

This is also one of the projects on my Winter Stitching List,
that Sarah over at FairyFace Designs is hosting!
One down a bunch to go.

Linking up to the following...

crazy mom quilts
KristyLou's Creations

Have a Wonderful weekend ;)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Block Party!

First up is one of the 2 blocks for this month in the Sew
Bee Blissful Bee.
It is a Garden fence block.  The border looks purple on my screen,
but is is actually grey!

Garden Fence block # 2.  This was a easy block and went
together very quickly.
I hope that Christine likes them :0)
You can check out her photos here on Flickr I would share her
blog,but sadly,I don't know if she has one or not!

Next up are my first 4 blocks for the,sew.happy.quilt QAL
hosted by Jenna over at SewHappyGeek  In reverse order.

The above block,QST Pinwheel,is block # 4
This is such a hard block for me to get sewn together correctly.
This is the block that Jenna also picked for her month in the
Sew Bee Blissful bee.

I quit counting after the 4th time of ripping things out!  Don't
get me wrong,I love how the finished block looks,just not the
total hair pulling out,tantrum throwing,cussing a blue streak,

Block # 3 is called Friendship Star.
This block went together quite nicely,and fairly quickly too.
Out of the 4 blocks we have done so far this is my favorite,hands
down :)
Not only because it was easy,but also because I really love
the fabrics I chose to use for this one.

Block # 2

This block was easy peasy!
I am not sure however if I like the fabrics I picked for this one.
I am thinking that it is just Way Too Busy,so I might re-do it
with solids for the center and outside corners.
We shall see.

Lastly,or Firstly,however you want to look at it
The Woven block.
This was Super Easy,overall I am happy with it.
I am considering putting a solid color sashing around the
What do you peep's think?  Yes/No and if so white,or another
solid like,a matching pink,teal/aqua,red.....

Not too long ago Gil asked me to make him a quilt.
Although I searched High and Low for the fabric he
requested,it was not to be found :(
So,I decided that while continuing the search in hopes of
eventually finding some,I would go ahead and start with some
Patriotic fabric in my stash.
(with Gil's approval,of course)

I put the MARPAT (Marine Patrol) fabric under  the
 blocks,because the white blended in with my sewing
These 2 blocks are wonky stars.  I am still considering
how many of each block to make.

While I was at Joann's on vacation Gil picked out the
Woodland print MARPAT fabric.  Even tho as he said,it isn't
the "Real/Official" stuff,it is close enough for a quilt.

He is going to send me a pair of his camos that he ripped and
doesn't wear anymore.
When he does I will incorporate the salvageable fabric into the

The last block from my "block party"
I had to tweak the two garden fence blocks
to get them the 12 1/2 inch size that I needed.

They don't look bad tho!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Vacation Pictures

As promised a few photos from vacation.
Looking at the entrance of IU,where Jolene
took us for a tour.

The Theater building.
A bus was just unloading when we were here.

Isn't this just the coolest clock?  These are in different locations
around the IU campus.

The architecture on campus is so stunningly beautiful.

Right after we picked up Gil from the airport in Indianapolis
we went to check out the War Memorial.

It is Amazing!

We didn't spend much time here tho,as Gil was starving.

So after I snapped a few quick shots we were off to find a
Cracker Barrel Restaurant.
Which Gil greatly appreciated :)

One afternoon Jolene took us all to a place not far from
where she lives.

Sorry,I can't remember the name of the place!
Anyway it is the largest Waterfall in Indiana.

The color of the water is just Gorgeous!

There is also a covered bridge.
Here are Gil and I goofing off :)

Hope you enjoyed the photos!