
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Modern V

August is the last month for making a quilt from the
Amy Ellis book,Modern Basics
For my last quilt from this book I chose to make the
above quilt,called Modern V

The fabric I will be using.
It is from Kensington Studio for Quilting Treasures,
the line is called Penny Lane.

The fabric all the way on the right is not from this line but I
am thinking about adding some of it in to my quilt.
We shall see!

So I am off to cut into this delicious fabric :)
Check out yesterdays post to enter my giveaway



  1. Ooo, pretty!! That's an interesting pattern, I'm waiting to see how it turns out :) Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm one of those people who, if I want something I'll keep trying till I get it right. SO I'm going to press on with the shirt! :)

  2. I like that pattern and your fabrics. Have fun!


Comments from the Sunflowers