
Monday, August 22, 2011

Peach Salsa Twister ~ Mug Rug reveal ~ Blogeversary!!!

Recently at the end of Stashtactular I won a $25 gift card!
Which you can read about here
The pattern for this mini quilt came from the Lil Twister
book that I purchased with my winnings :)
I am calling this mini quilt "Peach Salsa Twister"

Because today is my one year blogging anniversary!
My very first post was titled
Palisade Peach Festival
Jolene and I made Peach Salsa from some of the peaches
we purchased there.
Hence the name of my mini quilt  :)
More on that later.

This is the back side,which I decided to piece.
For the top of the quilt I used 20 5x5 charm squares that were
in my swap box of fabric,and then some from my stash too.

Kimber emailed me this weekend to let me know
that she had received her mug rug and goodies!
So I can finally show you the whole photos.
This is the top/front of the mug Rug.

This is the back side.
(sorry both pic's loaded sideways)

Now The part you are all so patiently waiting for,Right?

Today is August 22,which means that it is my 1 year Anniversary
of blogging!
Wow!  Could it have been a year already?  It sure doesn't seam like
it,but the calendar doesn't lie!
There have been a lot of changes in the past year.
Jolene & Gil have both left the nest (biggest change)
My little blog now has 36 Awesome Followers!!!
You guys Rock  :)
I have more peeps who come and read my blog every day,
from all over the world.
You Rock too!
I have met some of the most wonderful peeps through
blogging :)
To kick off this month long bloggy party
I am giving away the wall hanging Pictured above....

3 different pieces of tasseled trim.
1 gold
1 sage green
1 very dark brown
(wall hanging from above,just folded up)
And what ever else I decide to toss in!!

To enter
Leave me a comment on the mini quilt at the top of the post
Did I make a mistake while piecing it?

If you think that I did tell me,but not where you think I made a mistake

If you think that I did not make a mistake tell me

I will put draw a name/number from all the correct answers sometime this
weekend August 27/28 and post the winner on Monday the 29th!

Good luck & Thank you :+)


  1. Oh, my! How fun to see my fabrics in your beautiful mini-quilt! I love the twisty ness of it and the colors go really well together! Thanks for linking up with Eat, Grow, Sew and Happy Blogversary!

  2. I've been wanting to do a twister quilt. The colors you used are so cheery and summery, the title fits it! Happy Blogversary!

  3. No mistakes in the peachy twister quilt, only maybe some planned improvisations in the pattern.... ; )
    Funny how it actually looks like a jar on peach salsa turned onto a fabricy plate!

  4. There is a little itty bitty mistake...but I only know because I just got the same tool and I have been working with it the past 2 days :) It just adds to the uniqueness if you ask me! I love the name you gave your mini quilt. The tool is an awesome one - but I was really not pleased when I read that there would be 1/4 to 1/3 fabric loss! That was SHOCKING to me. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary!

  5. The mini-quilt is awesome! I found a mistake, but, only because you forced me too! To me, it is QUIRKINESS not mistake : ) Adds character. Congratulations on your first year! Keep up the great posts!

  6. In the right most column, second from the bottom. It looks like it is turned wrong. But, I had to enlarge the picture to see it. There is so much movement in your quilt, it was hard to pick out a mistake!!

  7. Hey there... love your Twister Peach Salsa. Sydneykatt and I love the Lil' Twister... now I want the big one!! Where did you get it? Have a great weekend!!


Comments from the Sunflowers