
Friday, August 26, 2011

The Grim Ripper

So this evening my BFF aka,The Grim Ripper,spent a Lot of
time together.  (sorry no pic of The Grim Ripper)
We spent at least a couple of hours ripping out the pieces
of fabric you see in the photo above!
At least this time it wasn't my mistake,the directions in the book
were wrong :(  *Sigh*  Hate it when that happens.

These are the other 12 that I didn't have to rip apart.
Instructions said make 24,they should have said make 12.

Block #1 on left
Block #2 on right
I wanted to post the 4 that make up the whole block,however since
I had a ripping party this evening that didn't happen.
Sew maybe tomorrow :)

If you have not entered my giveaway  be sure to check it out soon ;)
Have The Day Of Your Choice ;)


  1. I never thought of calling her the grim ripper...but it definitely fits!!! Sorry the instructions were wrong :(

  2. Don't you hate that. I was all excited to make a cover for my Kindle and the instructions (from a magazine) were wrong. No way a Kindle could fit with those directions. LOL Oh well, Daughter cut it up and used for saddle blankets for her toy horses. Made cool (but expensive) blankets! :-) LOVE your fabric choices. Gonna be pretty!

  3. It's good and bad. Good that it wasn't your fault, but bad that the directions weren't correct. Going to be a fun quilt.


Comments from the Sunflowers