
Monday, August 29, 2011

And the Winner is... (Drum Roll, Please) & another Giveaway!!

Sydneykatt !!!
Who said...
The mini-quilt is awesome! I found a mistake, but, only because you forced me too! To me, it is QUIRKINESS not mistake : ) Adds character. Congratulations on your first year! Keep up the great posts!

Congratulations :) !!
leave me a comment Sydney and I will reply and get your snail mail info!

With out further ado,here are the some of the items you could win
this week :)
A hand full of sewing accessories.

A few patterns.

And last but not least,a pattern for making pincushions that
attach to your wrist,called snap cushions,by Elizabeth Lonquist!

So,how do you enter to win???

Glad you asked :)
I am in need of a new Iron,so to win leave me a comment telling me
what kind of iron you would recommend,or own.
Why do you like/dislike it?
That's it!
Good luck :)
Please make sure that you leave me a way to contact you,if you
do not have a blog,or are a No Reply Blogger!!
Because if you do not I will have to draw another #.

I will announce the winner next Monday or Tuesday the 5th or 6th of September.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Peach Salsa Twister ~Tutorial~

For this project you will need...
20 charm (5x5)squares
1/3 yard fabric for inner border
2/3 yard for outer border/binding
1 yard backing fabric
1 yard batting
Lil Twister template

Lay out your squares in a 6x4 pattern.

Sew your squares together in rows.  You can either sew them
from one side to the other,or from top to bottom.

Here are all my rows sewn together.

Take each row to the ironing board and press your seams

After pressing open all of your seams sew your rows to each
other,as before either side to side or top to bottom.

Next you will need to press all of your seams open again.

Here all of the strips/rows are sewn together to make 1 large
block/mini quilt.

Next you will need to cut your inner border fabric.
Cut 3 inch strips the width of your fabric.

Sew the strips to your large block/mini quilt of fabric on all sides.

Press open your seams.

At this point your large block/mini quilt should look like this.

Now take your Lil Twister template and line up the black lines
on it with the seams on your mini quilt.
As shown above.

Here you can see that I have traced out the template with
white chalk.
The instructions say to cut out your squares with a Rotary
cutter.  But I am not that great with the Rotary cutter
unless it is a straight line.
So I traced out the template squares and then cut them out
with my scissors.

Here is another picture of the traced templates.

The first row of squares has been cut out and laid out in the same
way they were cut.

Now all of the squares have been cut out and put back together.
If you look at the second square up on the right side bottom
of my quilt you can see that I have turned one square the Wrong
Make sure that your layout is correct before sewing your squares back
together! :)

In this photo my first row has been sewed together.
You will repeat the steps from above.
Sewing your squares together in rows and pressing your
seams open as you go.

All of my squares cut out.
At this point your original block/mini quilt will resemble
a large piece of Swiss cheese!
Don't throw this in the trash!
Cut out all of those 2 1/2 inch squares you see there.
You Can use them in the border,or use them for another
(I chose to use some of them on the back and saved some for another

This is what I had left,as I took the small wedge shaped fabric
scraps and threw them in my scrap bin.

All the squares have now been sewed back together here.
Hopefully minus my mistake on your version :)

Here is a photo of the back side with all the seams
nicely pressed open.

Now take your 2/3 piece of fabric and cut 3 inch strips to form
the outer border.
You can use some or all of your 2 1/2 inch squares for
this,or just use the strips.  If using the squares sew them
together to make the strips for the outer border.
Sew them to the mini quilt top as before,with the 3 inch strips,on all four sides.

Press the seams open.

There you go!  You now have a Lil Twister Mini Quilt top!

Here is a picture taken outside on my clothes line.
You can now make a quilt sandwich with your quilt top,
batting and backing.  quilt as desired and then bind together.

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Grim Ripper

So this evening my BFF aka,The Grim Ripper,spent a Lot of
time together.  (sorry no pic of The Grim Ripper)
We spent at least a couple of hours ripping out the pieces
of fabric you see in the photo above!
At least this time it wasn't my mistake,the directions in the book
were wrong :(  *Sigh*  Hate it when that happens.

These are the other 12 that I didn't have to rip apart.
Instructions said make 24,they should have said make 12.

Block #1 on left
Block #2 on right
I wanted to post the 4 that make up the whole block,however since
I had a ripping party this evening that didn't happen.
Sew maybe tomorrow :)

If you have not entered my giveaway  be sure to check it out soon ;)
Have The Day Of Your Choice ;)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Modern V

August is the last month for making a quilt from the
Amy Ellis book,Modern Basics
For my last quilt from this book I chose to make the
above quilt,called Modern V

The fabric I will be using.
It is from Kensington Studio for Quilting Treasures,
the line is called Penny Lane.

The fabric all the way on the right is not from this line but I
am thinking about adding some of it in to my quilt.
We shall see!

So I am off to cut into this delicious fabric :)
Check out yesterdays post to enter my giveaway


Monday, August 22, 2011

Peach Salsa Twister ~ Mug Rug reveal ~ Blogeversary!!!

Recently at the end of Stashtactular I won a $25 gift card!
Which you can read about here
The pattern for this mini quilt came from the Lil Twister
book that I purchased with my winnings :)
I am calling this mini quilt "Peach Salsa Twister"

Because today is my one year blogging anniversary!
My very first post was titled
Palisade Peach Festival
Jolene and I made Peach Salsa from some of the peaches
we purchased there.
Hence the name of my mini quilt  :)
More on that later.

This is the back side,which I decided to piece.
For the top of the quilt I used 20 5x5 charm squares that were
in my swap box of fabric,and then some from my stash too.

Kimber emailed me this weekend to let me know
that she had received her mug rug and goodies!
So I can finally show you the whole photos.
This is the top/front of the mug Rug.

This is the back side.
(sorry both pic's loaded sideways)

Now The part you are all so patiently waiting for,Right?

Today is August 22,which means that it is my 1 year Anniversary
of blogging!
Wow!  Could it have been a year already?  It sure doesn't seam like
it,but the calendar doesn't lie!
There have been a lot of changes in the past year.
Jolene & Gil have both left the nest (biggest change)
My little blog now has 36 Awesome Followers!!!
You guys Rock  :)
I have more peeps who come and read my blog every day,
from all over the world.
You Rock too!
I have met some of the most wonderful peeps through
blogging :)
To kick off this month long bloggy party
I am giving away the wall hanging Pictured above....

3 different pieces of tasseled trim.
1 gold
1 sage green
1 very dark brown
(wall hanging from above,just folded up)
And what ever else I decide to toss in!!

To enter
Leave me a comment on the mini quilt at the top of the post
Did I make a mistake while piecing it?

If you think that I did tell me,but not where you think I made a mistake

If you think that I did not make a mistake tell me

I will put draw a name/number from all the correct answers sometime this
weekend August 27/28 and post the winner on Monday the 29th!

Good luck & Thank you :+)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Christmas Geese block reveal ~ ect.

Finally got this shipped out to Melissa a couple of days ago.
She received it today,and is very pleased :)  YaY!
Hope I do this well with all the other blocks in the swap/exchange!
I am so happy with how this block turned out,so have already
cut the fabric for 2 more which will be used to make a table runner.


If you are a follower you know that I was involved in Stashtactular
for the month of August.  It was such a blast,that I hope we do
it again next summer!
Anyway I won the Grand Prize which was a $25 gift card to
1choice4quilting :)
The photo above is the Loot that I purchased with said $$$

The Martini fabric in the middle of this clutch is one of the
many scraps that was in my return swap box of fabric & scrap
I posted about it here a few days ago.

This is the reverse/back side of the clutch.  The black and gingham
strip of fabric in the center also came from my swap box :)
The personal add fabric I found recently while shopping in the
city with mom!

Who doesn't/didn't love EEyore?!
This pile of scrap-booking love was given to me
by mom :)  She knows that I love EEyore,so she
had been collecting and saving all this up to bring
when her and dad came to visit :)

Of all my hobby's and crafts scrap booking is the
one that gets the least attention :(
So sometime this winter I am going to have to make a
play date with EEyore!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

AccuQuilt Go Giveaway~ over at Love Affair With My Brother

Sorry for the double post this evening BuT........

I just had to let you know that if you Hurry over to Love Affair With My Brother
you can enter for a chance to win a Go!

Well,what are you waiting for??
Hurry up!
& Good Luck :)

What will I become???

This is one of Many scraps and larger pieces of fabric that
received in the Stashtacular fabric swap.
It measures approximately 3 inches wide by 9 inches long.

Want to make a guess as to what it is going to become in the
next few days?!

Tonight I finally took the time to make a new ironing board
cover for my little portable ironing board.  The old one was
very sorry looking.  So sorry that I didn't even want to post a
photo of it!
This new one has warm and natural for the padding instead of
a paper thin piece of ? (not even sure what it was)

Lastly another photo of one of my sunflowers from the small
patch in the garden :)