
Monday, April 15, 2013

Stitching Zips

On my last trip to the thrift store,zippers were tops on my list,the first store was a bust.  The second store had the jackpot tho!

Believe it or not there are there are 23 zippers in the photo above!  At 45 cents a piece they were a steal.

The center zippy pouch was the first one,after making it I decided that they would be much better if they were lined on the inside.  So for the rest of them,I folded the fabric wrong sides together before stitching the zippers to the fabric  If you would like to make some of these for yourself or the kiddos,you can find the Tutorial Here on the Zip It blog.

Although there was not time Friday evening to work on raising barns 3 & 4,I did get to them on Saturday afternoon/evening.

You had to know that sooner or later there would be a green barn,right? ;)  The quilt on the side of this one is called Mosaic 24,and is from my quilt Block Tool purchased from Joann's during a clearance sale.  It is handy,because it has cutting instructions for several different sizes of quilt blocks.

All of my barns so far.

Since I was playing with zippers yesterday,this Triple Zip Pouch that has been on my list for a while was just the obvious next project.  Besides,I need a new pouch for spring/summer!

These prints were picked up last year when we were in Taos for our Anniversary weekend.  I have been hoarding them and petting them,waiting for the right project to use them in :)  In case you did not know I Love southwestern prints,and Kokopelli is my favorite!

No need to carry a pouch for my sunglasses now,they will fit in the center zip!

Also managed to sew the rows together for my row quilt this weekend,now to get it quilted.


  1. I love your barns, I have put off making these but after seeing yours I think I really should get going and make some. Very pretty barns.

  2. I had to stop by to see your barns, I love them!

  3. Love the zippy pouches. I haven't looked at goodwill for sewing supplies before. I usually just look for fun glass containers to store sewing supplies in :)

  4. The zipper pouches are too cute as is the pouch you made with your anniversary fabrics. And I love your barn blocks. I been saving them as I want to make a barn quilt some day.


Comments from the Sunflowers