
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Some sewing,some playing it forward...

First up the sewing...

Row # 12 ~ sewing baskets ~  Although with this being Easter month,I am calling mine Easter Baskets!

All twelve rows,this is going to be such a sweet quilt!

I should have titled this post Lori Made me Do it!  I subscribe to her blog,and so get her posts directly in my email box.  When this post showed up I was hooked,and after printing out the tutorial,ran (really) to my sewing room to make my first barn attend my first ever barn raising ;0)  Want to make some of your very own?  It is only one barn every other week,very doable right?  Right!

No more waiting for the perfect project for my sew mama sew charm pack!  Since the quilts on the sides of the barns are 6.5 inch squares  this will work great!

My bee blocks for this month are churn dash,which surprisingly enough,were a first time to make for me!

Although Green is my favorite color,the first block is my absolute favorite of the two,now if I just knew what the paisley print was... would love more of it.

Lastly,but certainly not least,my second pin cushion for my swap partner,Shanna !  This is one of my pins that I can mark off as made :0)  Even though it looks pretty complicated,it really wasn't.  The hard part for me was finding the candle stick!

Playing it forward ~ My Way ~

No rules,No hoops,just a handmade goodie from me to you!  The one and only catch/rule is that you have to send me your snail mail info when I email you the request for it ;0)  Oh,also please leave me your email addy,if you are a No Reply blogger... Or I will not be able to contact you :(

First 5 commenters will receive something small or big from me sometime in the next year!


  1. thats awesome, thanks for the chance

  2. You are generous. thanks for the chance.

  3. Your rows are going to make a beautiful quilt! I can't believe it's almost over. I need to dust off my fabric and get rolling on it.

    We should do a swap in LV. No need to include me in your pay it forward;)

    Your churn dash blocks are fantastic!

  4. Oh my goodness, I love your barn raising!

  5. We must be on the same page today ... I finished my churn dash and made some butterflys for a round robin border from the row along. It all looks great!

  6. What beautiful projects, and what a generous idea!


Comments from the Sunflowers