
Friday, March 8, 2013


Happy weekend everyone! Sorry I have been rather quiet this week.  Would you like to see the project that has kept me so busy?  Yes?

Ta Da!  As soon as the strips were laid out for the photo,Midas decided that he needed to make a quick inspection.

Here it is minus the cat ;0)  I am thinking that it needs another checkered strip at the top and the bottom.  What do you think?  The width is good,so I am going to go with no borders on the sides,but it is pretty square,which is why I am thinking it needs the strips at the top and bottom.

This one is for my shop when completed,there is enough of the squares left over to make another quilt,so I am thinking about how to change up the design for a similar yet different quilt top.  The second one will be for the bake/craft sale.

Any suggestions for a name for this one?  The Frog Prince of Green,maybe?


  1. Love the fabric! Love the colours - great combination!

  2. Okay, I am terrible at coming up with names, but how about Lilypond or Splash?

    I don't think it needs any more borders if it's 42" or more long (and 36" wide) for a toddler of about age 2-3.

    I like the frog fabric, it's really cute!

  3. I see you changed your page, I do the same thing from time to time. Love the quilt!


Comments from the Sunflowers