
Thursday, March 14, 2013

LilyPad Splash

Today when I came home for lunch,it was so nice,the sun was shining,the birds where chirping and it was around 60 degrees... After work the sun was not shining,it was all cloudy grey and windy :(  Oh well,the photo shoot took place anyway!

The plan,take the quilt to the river after work and get some sweet shots...

These last two shots were taken at the Steam Plant turned local place for small concerts art shows and many other events.

All around the outside of the building there is modern art works donated by local artists.


  1. It is just so lovely! And I love the back drop for your pictures!!! Congratulations on a gorgeous finish :)

  2. Love it! The fabric is irresistible and I must say I'm surprised those frogs and turtles didn't escape the quilt into the river!!


Comments from the Sunflowers