
Monday, March 18, 2013

ALYOF March Mid ~ Month check in

Yes it is that time again,already!  Are you playing along,and if so,how are you doing?

My three goals for the month were...

1. to finish my tumbler quilt started last summer  (which has been named International Tumblers)

Here it is!  All finished,as of last night!  This and the following photos were snapped off in a hurry today after work as the wind was is still blowing like crazy here.

A closer shot of my first ever FMQ on a quilt!!  Pretty excited about that :0)

The wind just about blew the quilt off the fence right as I was taking this one.  I am hoping to get some much better shots between now and the end of the month.

2. make a few items to donate to the bake/craft sale... no progress on this one but I will be starting on that after this post :0)

3. make some new tote/messenger bags for my shop... also no progress yet,those will be next up after the things to donate.

Linking up over at the Mid ~ Month check in at Sew BitterSweet Designs & also over at busy bee quilts because Jamie is hosting Monday Link Up this week!


  1. Don't let that quilt fly away, it's a nice one!

  2. Love the colours on your Tumbler - very nice. I can recommend the zipped iPad Case / make up bag as a quick project for your donations - great way to use up scraps and very easy to make :)

  3. well done on finishing your quilt, it's so lovely! Love your quilting, very smart!

  4. Oh CeLynn that border is awesome! Where did you get the idea to make those spiky triangles and do they have a name? I just LOVE it! I also love the strip down the back. The quilt looks so colorful and modern.

    The fmq looks good, too...way to go!

  5. Congrats on a great job on your first free motion quilting! It looks great! Way to go :-)

  6. Sweet! I knew I recogized this one:) Thanks for linking up!

  7. That was a great finish. I hope you've had time this week for your other two projects!


Comments from the Sunflowers