
Friday, October 26, 2012

Mongolian Beef over Forbidden Rice with a side of Caramelized onions and Mushrooms with Kale

Recently Mr. P received a call from the Dr. about blood work results.  It turns out that he is borderline anemic.  Which means that he needs to eat more red meat,in order to try and correct the problem.  With that in mind,I went looking around for a new recipe to try out.  This is what I came up with....

Mongolian Beef over Forbidden Rice

Ingredients needed:
   2 ~ tsp oil (I used coconut,but vegetable is fine)
1/2 ~ tsp fresh ginger,minced
   1 ~ Tbl garlic,chopped
    2 ~ green onions sliced in 11/2 inch pieces
1/2 ~ C soy sauce
1/2 ~ C water
34 ~ C dark brown sugar ( I used light because it is what we had on hand,it turned out great)
   1 ~ C (approximately) oil of your choosing
   1 ~ lb flank steak
1/4 ~ C cornstarch
    1 ~ C black rice (forbidden rice)

Cooking directions:

Cook rice according to directions on package.

  • to make the sauce,heat 2 tsp of oil in a medium saucepan over med~low heat (not to hot)
  • add the ginger and garlic,and saute for one to two minutes.  Add the soy sauce and water.
  • stir in the brown sugar until it dissolves,then turn the heat up to medium and boil the sauce for about 3 minutes,or until it thickens up a bit
  • remove from heat and set aside
  • slice your flank steak against the grain into 1/4 ~ 1/2 inch thick strips,then bite size pieces
  • place cornstarch in a gallon size baggie,then add beef,shake well to coat all pieces (you can just place cornstarch in a shallow bowl and dip pieces to coat) I am a lazy,so used the baggie instead
  • let set for a few minutes
  • heat the 1 cup oil in a deep skillet or wok
  • add beef and saute for 3 minutes,or until the edges of the beef start to darken
  • stir to cook evenly
  • using a large slotted spoon,remove the beef pieces to a paper towel lined plate,pour all the excess oil out of your skillet or wok,be careful not to burn yourself
  • return the skillet/wok to the heat,also return the beef to the skillet/wok saute for 1~2 minutes
  • add the sauce you set aside,cook for several minutes more,while stirring,add green onions,heat through
  • remove to a serving plate with your slotted spoon
  • discard excess sauce
  • Caramelized onions with Mushrooms and Kale:
1 medium Walla Walla onion,sliced
1 sm. package button mushrooms,or about 8 mushrooms
6 large Kale leaves chopped into bite sized pieces
2 Tbl oil

Cooking directions:

  • add oil to large skillet over medium heat
  • add onion saute for 15 minutes
  • add mushrooms,turning heat to med low,saute for another 10 minutes
  • add chopped kale,continue cooking for 5 minutes,turn off heat and serve

                                        Place desired amount of Forbidden Rice on plate,top with Mongolian Beef,add Caramelized Onions,Mushrooms,and Kale.     Enjoy!

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