
Sunday, October 28, 2012

A little sewing

This weekend has flown by in double time!  It was a fall clean-up weekend,so not much sewing was accomplished.  What I did get sewn...

A new cell phone case for the Mr.

The back side has a loop,so that it can slide onto a belt.  I was just winging it,so am waiting to get feed back by the end of the week,on any necessary changes.

A few more granny squares.

The blues for this batch.

These are the last two for the weekend,which brings my total up to 16 :)

Hope you all had a great weekend,with time for at least a little sewing!


  1. Still loving the grannies! :) Cool fishing phone case. I bet your husband loves it.

  2. Love the case! How many grannies do you still need to make?

  3. Love the grannies! I really have to make some! The phone case came out great. Hope he likes it!


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