
Monday, February 20, 2012

A few "old" quilts

Just a few Quilty related photos from my long weekend

Above is a photo  of the LQS in Taos NM,I was a "very
good girl",because I only bought 4 FQ's and a remnant to
use in Gil's quilt!

These two quilts are on display in one of the Museums we

Close up of the quilt on the right.

I really love the fabrics and the design of this quilt.  There
was no information on any of the quilts,so its anyone's
guess as to their age.  My guess is maybe the 1930's.

Love all the HST's in this one!  Also the color.

This one was in the same room as the one above.  I am not a
big fan of basket quilts,but I do like this one :)

Thats all I got for tonight,hope you enjoyed the "old quilts"!


  1. Lovely quilts. I hope you had a great weekend.

  2. Looks like you had a good time. Love all the old quilts. Thanks for sharing the pictures.


Comments from the Sunflowers