
Thursday, February 23, 2012

A few blocks

One of the two most recent blocks for Gil's
I like the block,but not so sure about the
fabric combo.

This one I really like!

Finally finished the other three mug rugs that I was making
up for "V" Day!  They all turned out good,but the bottom
one is my fave of these three.

My fabric purchase from the LQS in Taos NM.  Love the
southwest prints.  As if you couldn't tell that I Love,love,
love,Kokopelli!  The top print just called my name,so it
had to come home with me too :)

The rolled up fabric remnant is for making blocks
for Gil's quilt.
Lastly,all 10 of my blocks for the QAL.
Which is almost over,only two more blocks

These are all so busy,I am going to have to
add some solid sashing to break it up a bit!
Also I need to make a decision on the block
layout.  Have narrowed it down to two
different ones.  Now to decide which one.


  1. Both blocks came out cool. The mug rugs are darling as are the QAL blocks. Have fun with your new fabric!

  2. you've been busy!! Your QAL has very happy colors. Can't wait to see the finish.


Comments from the Sunflowers