
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Santa mug rug

This was in the mail box today!  No not the hot chocolate and
peppermint fudge sillys :)

This is what I received from my partner in the Christmas Swap
at my quilt guild.
We each filled a quart sized baggie with Christmas fabrics from our
stash.  Then we swapped baggies and made something for our partners
I posted about what I made  here

This is the back side of the mug rug.
I really love it! 
Of course it is made from fabric out of my stash :)

This is one of my current "in progress" projects,I need to finish
sewing on the binding.

I was playing around with a quilt block pattern for one of my
partners in the Christmas block swap.
This one is not what she wanted,but I like it.  Am thinking that I
will make a table runner with this one and a couple more that are
similar to it!


  1. CeLynn the Santa is very Merry. I missed the Christmas swap….. it has been crazy busy here. Merry Christmas!


Comments from the Sunflowers