
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sewing & babies

Sorry it has taken me so long to get a post up.  The reason is
that I am going to be sharing a booth at a local craft fair on the
4th of July,with a lady who works where I do. 
Recently she ask me if I would be interested and I jumped at the
Needless to say my sewing machine has been smoking lately LOL!
The bags/totes above are a some of the finished projects.  The
fabric on the pockets is also the lining fabric.

Recently, Karen at Sew Much 2 Luv posted a tute on how to
make these super cute lil bags!  It was so easy peasy (just like she said)
to make these.  Thanks so much Karen,I no longer fear the zipper :)
My niece,sis, & a couple friends are going to love these!
The ladybug one at the bottom is for a friend at work who
just happens to love ladybugs.

Ha,bet you were not thinking of fawns when you read my title!
The other evening Mr.P and I went for a walk.  We hadn't even
walked a 1/4 of a mile when we came across these two little
guys!  They were hiding right in plain sight.
I hurried back home for my camera,hoping that they wouldn't

As you can see they didn't!  They were on opposite sides and
ends of the log.  This one looks like he is trying to hide,the first one,
not so much.
I Love where we live :)


  1. were super productive! I love your tote bags and your zipper bags are so cute! I'm glad you had fun with the tutorial :)

  2. The fawns are so cute! I hope you weren't too close and the mother will sometimes attack. Love all the different bags!


Comments from the Sunflowers