
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Finished Quilt Top

Today I finally had time to get my Posie Patch quilt top finished!
I am really happy with how this quilt is turning out :)
The weather even cooperated long enough for me to take a couple
of pictures.  Yay!

Here is a close-up.
Yesterday I took a FMQ class!  It was so much fun and I learned
a lot.  I forgot to take a picture of my sampler,so will have to post
a photo of it another time.
Next I will be working on my Posie appliques.
Wish me luck as this will be a first for me!


  1. Your colors are amazing! I love your quilt top!!
    Deb from

  2. Awesome job! I love the was your colors blend. Can't wait to see the appliques!

  3. WOW .... Love it! I love how others pick colors we may not have but they work so so so awesome together. I think your quilt is beautful! You should be proud. :-)

  4. I love the colors, looks like a birds eye view of the plains in the summer, I too can't wait to see what happens to it next.


Comments from the Sunflowers