
Monday, May 13, 2013

A few blocks

This month over at Stash Bee we were asked to make a X or Cross block using bright pink prints...

The requirements were to make blocks in 3"increments,6.5,9.5,or 12.5 square.  There was also the option to make rectangle blocks.  If making a 6.5 block we were asked to make two.  The one on the left is 6.5 square,the one on the right side is a 6.5 x 9.5 block.  I loved that these were so easy and quick to sew up!

Barn # 5,this one was so hard to get a good shot of because it is dark and the sky's are grey this afternoon/evening.

Barn # 6,for this one I decided to change it up a bit!  The barn quilt is a John Deere tractor print.  The roof is also a John Deere print.  The only Sew Mama Sew fabrics in this block are the background pieces at the top.

Hope all you mom's had a wonderful Day yesterday :)


  1. Those pink blocks are so bright! Lovely! Your barns are coming along nicely, soon you will have a whole town :)

  2. I like the John Deere barn!

  3. Love your pink blocks and the barn one is pretty nice with that fussy-cut.Happy sewing!

  4. I love the John Deere tractor! I'm working on block 5 and 6 today also!

  5. Love those barns! The pink blocks are great too :-) I love that it your blocks are modern and traditional :-)


Comments from the Sunflowers