
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bread Making Machine...

(Namely Me)
Yes that is what I felt like this past weekend.

This is about half of the loaves of bread that I baked up this weekend!  21 was the total number,and yes I was the machine (I don't own a bread maker).  The flavors were ~ sun dried tomato w/cinnamon basil ~ english muffin w/sharp cheddar & green onion ~ pumpkin seed w/cranberry ~ plain ~ rye ~

Let me tell you that this was a great idea because,every loaf was gone in the first two hours!  The sale was a smashing success,we made close to $700.00!!  Which puts us about $128.00 dollars away from our 1,500 goal :)  Thank You to the community for such an Awesome turnout,You Rock Salida ;)

In sewing news...

Last week during the evenings,this is the project that I was working on.  It had to be put aside so that the baking could commence.  At this stage the front pocket (quilt block) was quilted and attached.

A peek inside,the contrasting fabric at the bottom makes up three smaller pockets.  In this shot you can just see that the quilt block is a pocket.

This evening there was time to finish up!  Not sure if I will put this one in my shop,or keep it :)


  1. OH MY!! You are a baking machine, the bread looks so yummy, wish I could have gotten a loaf. Oh ya and the bag looks great, still thing about that bread. :)

  2. 21?!?!? Holy Buckets! And here I was feeling accomplished for making one loaf last weekend for my dad! LOL! I love your bag too! Great colors :)

  3. Wow CeLynn, that is a lot of bread! I'm so glad the sale was a success!

    That bag is really posh! I like the contrasting colors inside.

  4. So glad your sale was such a great success. Congratulations on a job well done! Love your new bag!

  5. well done, that's an amazing profit! Love the bag, such a pretty, and complicated, block.


Comments from the Sunflowers