
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Row 13 ~ Spring Tulips

They say "all good things must end" and the bee in my bonnet row along is no exception.  It doesn't seem like that long ago we were starting off on the very first row...

And here we are with the last row,Spring Tulips :0)  Don't you just love them all blooming in spite of the crazy snow ;0)

Not sure about you,but I am ready for spring,whenever it finally decides to show up around here!

This afternoon I brought all the rows out to the living room to decide on the final layout.  After quite a bit of row shuffling,and the much appreciated help and suggestions from Mr. P.  this is the layout we finally decided on!
Now I still have to add the two borders,quilt,back and bind it too.  However,since we are so close to the end of this month,this is going to get set aside.   Not for long tho!  It will be my goal for next month over at ALYOF :0)

I have been pretty busy this past week,with this and also sewing up the things for the bake/craft sale.  Which is this coming Saturday!  Those things will be another post in the next few days.  Now I need to get busy with my last goal,totes for my store!

Last night I sewed up barn # 2,this one is kinda whimsical,so it may become a bag!  If it does,I will need to make another one to take its place in the quilt.


  1. your row quilt is looking wonderful! I can't wait to see it all bound and quilted!

  2. Wow good for you getting the last row are an inspiration for all us procrastinators out here:). The quilt looks beautiful!

  3. I love your little blooming spring tulips peaking out from the snow! Can't wait to see the whole quilt finished, CeLynn!


Comments from the Sunflowers