
Friday, February 1, 2013

A Year of Lovely Finishes (February Edition)

Happy Friday :0)  Did January fly by for you too?  If it is any indicator of how the year is going to go,it will be December in no time!  Or maybe,it just seemed to go by faster than usual because it was a very busy and productive month.  Either way into February...

                                                                    (remember these)

It is time to put down in writing what our sewing/finishing goals are for this month.  You can check out all the finishes to be here on Melissa's blog

My projects to finish up,or start and finish are as follows...

  • Finish up my Stash Bee Quilt (Gothic Windows) blocks pictured above
  • Get caught back up on my row along quilt (behind by one row)
  • make Stash Bee block for this month
  • at least start on pincushion for FB swap (due in mid March)
  • Make & list at least 3 new items for my etsy shop
  • New Totes (I have a pattern/design idea,this ties in with the 3 new items)

Here are some of my Gothic Windows blocks sewn into rows.

The fabrics pulled for the backing on the quilt,I might also add Kona black to the mix..

Some of these might work for one of the new items in my shop.  It is a necklace made from fabric.

We shall see how much I actually get done!  The Major goal is to finish up the Gothic Windows Quilt.  Since I am now Officially on Vacation (but will not be home from tomorrow until next Sunday late) I hope to make a lot of progress during the second week!  

Enjoy your weekend :0)


  1. CeLynn,

    I can't wait to see your Gothic Windows finished! I started a red/gray/black one inspired by making your block for you. I think I have maybe 6 blocks finished. Maybe seeing yours done will inspire me to make my red one into a Lovely Year of Finishes quilt too! (I have two ahead of it that I must do first though!!)

  2. Have fun on your trip! I really like the clever way you displayed all your windows in the photograph. It is going to be a stunning quilt! How will you quilt it?

  3. I hope you have a wonderful vacation!! I can't wait to see your quilt come together! It is going to be stunning!

  4. Wow, lovely blocks, I agree that quilt looks like it will be stunning. I've visited yours and one other blog from A lovely year of finishes and I've got to say, I'm a serious under achiever! You rock! Off to look at your Etsy shop now.

  5. Love how you have your blocks hanging, what did you use? I'd love to do that. Thanks. Have fun!

  6. The Gothic windows are so cool. I can hardly wait to see your finished top. And I'm curious too, how did you hang all the blocks?

  7. I love the fabrics you've chosen for the Gothic windows. Looking forward to seeing how you put them together.


Comments from the Sunflowers