
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Lovely Year of Finishes February (Finish Up)

It is amazing the difference just a couple of days makes!  If this were any other month,there would still be a few days left,to squeak out another small project or two.  Since this isn't any other month...

First up is my ultimate goal for the month.  Gothic Windows.  Although the sun was very cooperative today,the wind was a whole different story.  So the photos were snapped off in a hurry,before the quilt ended up in the dirt and patches of snow still on the ground!

A close up of one of the individual blocks/windows,and a bit of the quilting too.

As you can see,I decided to use more than just a little Kona black on the back.

The back side has two of the individual window blocks on it.  I like the back a lot,and think you could even use it as the front also.

A better look at one of the windows on the back side.  Love the text print included in this block!  What a great feeling,to remove this one from the "UFO" list and place it in the "Finished" column :0)

Next up for this month was to get caught up on the row along.  This is the row I was behind on,they are all sewed together now!

This was the next row spools,and baskets have been posted!  I am hoping to get those sewn up this weekend,as the next row will be posted Wednesday or Thursday of this coming week.

Also made and sent out my Stash Bee block for this month.  Such a cute one,it would look great on a tote bag wouldn't it?

Two blocks for the Skill Builder (button on my side bar) this one is EM Dash.

The Mood,is the second block for this month,in the skill builder.

Pin cushion not only started,but also finished!  I have one more in the works,but time is running out,so not sure if it will get finished in time.  I am going to try and get it done though.

The last finished item for this month is this little basket/purse organizer.  It now sits on my sewing table :0)  Whew,what a short busy month it has been around here!

Linking up over at The February Finishes Party!


  1. What a lovely quilt finish and I'm kinda in love with the pincushion as it's coming to live with ME! ♥

    Thanks for linking up! Can't wait for next month!

  2. Your Gothic Windows is beautiful. Wasn't is just last week that it was blocks not sewn together? You put that quilt together quite quickly!

  3. The Gothic Windows is amazing! For such a short month, you have gotten a lot done. Looks like you have some really small flying geese on your pincushion. Very nice!

  4. wowee!! you have been really busy. You got a lot of things done during this short month. Well done! Your windows quilt is just fabulous!

  5. Yay for Gothic Windows quilt! I love seeing different versions of this block come to life! :)

  6. hey well done! the gothic windows quilt is fabulous!

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