
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Meet Star Granny (January's Lovely Finish)

I can not believe how quickly this month has just screamed by!  At the beginning of the month I decided that this month's project for A Lovely Year of Finishes would be a quilt for my mom!  The idea has been there since last year when I raided her stash while visiting asked her if she would give me some of her stash.

My first thought was to make a quilt using only granny square blocks,but when I actually started pulling the fabrics I decided to include another block for a little interest.  The second block is called Scrap Jar Star which by the way,I really liked and will be using again in the future.

Here she was super windy and very cold after work when these photos were taken  (after just three quick photos my hands were like ice)  So the top row is not visible,because the only way to get a shot of the quilt was to hang some of it over the rail to help hold it in place.  There are five rows of four blocks each,the quilt finishes out at about 48x60.  Which will be a very manageable size for mom!  She has osteoporosis,and lost 9 inches this last year,so I wanted a quilt that she would be able to manage easily herself.

The back side is a antique white shade with an all over print of tiny leaves.  Mom loves flowers and roses are one of her favorites,the top strip is one of her fabrics,while the center one is something I had buried in my own stash,they both have roses all over.  So did you notice the problem with this side?

At first I thought that my iron was in dire need of being cleaned,that was not the problem though because after taking a minute to clean it,I realized that it was not dirty.  So the only thing I can figure is that  the iron was too hot for the fabric sheet that I used to print my label on.

At first I was so upset about the scorch mark (the large one at the bottom of the label) but after I took a minute to get a grip... and decided that since this was not fixable,I made a couple other smaller controlled scorch marks on purpose.  Why would I do that?  Well,while getting a grip my thoughts were what would mom say when I tell her how this happened?  She would probably say something like,that just makes it look like it is aged/antique...

My good friend Jamie suggested that a scrappy binding would look great on this quilt,I really liked the idea and decided to do just that.  Thanks Jamie,I really love it :0)  In spite of the little mis-hap on the back side,which by the way mom would say "adds character" I am very happy with how this one turned out!

Linking up over at the finishes party   My first of many (that is the plan anyway) finishes for 2013!!


  1. This quilt looks so beautiful! Even though you couldn't get the top row in the photo I can tell it looks amazing! How do you make your labels? It looks so cool. I really want to learn how to make my own. Love the scrappy binding;)

  2. The quilt turned out beautifully and I love the story behind it! Congratulations on such a beautiful first finish of the year!

  3. it's gorgeous! I love the mix of granny blocks and scrap jar stars, they go so well together. I also love the colours and the way you've used them. Nice job! As for the scorch mark - these things happen, but of course your mum won't care!

  4. It''s beautiful, she will love it.

  5. Love it! I really like the mixture of blocks.

  6. Just love it! Maybe with time the scorch mark will fade some. Totally understand how upsetting this can be. But at least it's on the back and the front is amazing. I know your mom is going to love it!

  7. Grandma will love it. 'Adds character' is exactly what she will say, : ).
    And it is so pretty. I look forward to hours of her describing every block in detail to me over the phone. At least I will have a picture to refer to ; )

  8. Gostei do seu blog ..
    Lindos os trabalhos ....

  9. Love the way you used those two different blocks in the quilt.

  10. It came out gorgeous! I'm so jealous of your Mom!:) you did a wonderful job on it!

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Comments from the Sunflowers