
Saturday, January 5, 2013

2013 A Year for Finishes...

Have you joined any new QAL'S,BOM's or any otherwise quilty goings on yet this year?  If not why not come join me (and Many,many,others) as we embark on A Lovely Year of Finishes Hosted by Melissa of Sew Bitter Sweet Designs and Shanna of Fiber of All Sorts   You can also find the Button on my sidebar :)

I have also joined the BOM over at Pile o' Fabric because Alyssa is going to be teaching the following techniques that just happen to be on my (I want to learn/improve this List)

  • Basic Patchwork Piecing
  • Improv Piecing
  • Strip Piecing
  • Foundation Paper Piecing
  • English Paper Piecing
  • Curves Piecing
  • Applique 
  • Pixel Piecing
  • Log Cabin Piecing
You can still join both,You know you want to ;)

The mosaic above is the quilts that are either,finished tops,like the two on the left in row one and two,or in progress like the other three photos.  1. sew happy quilt QAL top 2. Gothic Windows Quilt blocks 3. Knotted Squares Quilt 4. Tumbler Quilt 5. Bee In My Bonnet Row A Long (currently in progress)

These are the UFO's that I plan to get totally finished this year!  That being said..there are also other things that I will be adding as the year goes along.  The first one being,a Granny Squares quilt for my Mom!  Which has yet to be started,and needs to be totally finished by the end of January!   So that will obviously be my first project.  There is also my In Your Words Blog Hop (button on my sidebar) but since that is 90% done I am not counting it for this month :)

There is also my bee block for Stash Bee that needs to be done,and I have set a goal to list at least a few (have not decided on the exact number yet) new items in my shop each month.  Also this month,I want to make a weaved rug for our bathroom.  Which is essentially strips attached to a bath mat,and then more strips woven between and sewn.  There are a myriad of other items,but I won't bore you with a mile long list right now :)  Wish me Luck !

On that note,I am off to sew up rows 7 & 8 which will catch me up in the Bee In My Bonnet RAL :)

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!


  1. It's amazing how fast those UFO's accumulate. And new projects catch your eye and you want to start those....

    Happy sewing for your 2013 Finishes!

  2. that BOM does look interesting... trying not to commit myself!

  3. Fun! I can't wait to get my Row Along caught up. I designed a quilt for a qal for 1 Choice 4 Quilting (remember that Flickr group called The Quilting Book Club or something along those lines?). The store was sold and the new owner is starting to get new fabric in and restart the monthly challenges. Anyway, I've been working like a madwoman getting it done and now it just needs to be quilted and bound. When that's done I can't wait to get back to just piecing. That's my favorite part of quilting, how about you?

    I haven't done my bee block yet but am thrilled to see it's not anything complicated.

  4. Granny Squares will be a Lovely Finish focus for January, but they are all great projects to finish!


Comments from the Sunflowers