
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Burnt cookies :(

Yep,that is what happens when you (I) have way to many things going on at once!  Thank goodness it was only the last 5 cookies!

No not these five,these are some of the good ones :)  The recipe for these can be found here the cookies in the recipe are Lime Shortbread cookies,but this week Mr. P asked me to make oatmeal cookies and just put the filling in them.

The rest of the Maxine goodies for my friend.  Napkins,coasters and also two napkin rings for the napkins.  The napkins are 12x12 instead of the usual larger size.

I also decided to make up a couple sets of hand warmers for her :)  They are filled with rice,and just the right size to fit in the palm of your hand.  A nice thing to have in your pocket after taking the trash out during the cold months.  Especially when the dumpster is a few hundred feet away.

These little ones are perfect for little hands!  I started out with 2 1/2 inch squares,so they ended up being a 2 inch square.  It seemed to take me forever to sew the openings closed on these 11 sets.  I am a very slow hand sewer.

They look big in my hand,but I do have small hands.  If I can find the time these will be listed in my etsy shop.

There were also a few other finishes this weekend,but I am saving those for another post.  Hope you all enjoyed your weekend :)


  1. The gifts for your friend look great! She's gonna lve them!

  2. I love your hand warmers! What a great idea. I'm going to make some for my hubby right now!

  3. Mmm yummy cookies! The hand warmers are so cute! Your hand doesn't look small at ll, rather the opposite. You have nice long fingers!:)

  4. I love you handwarmers. I live in a constant state of cold and these are perfect! The cookies look delicious!

  5. Catching up on my reading! Love the hand warmers! What a great idea. The cookies look yummy. Even if you burned the last 5, you always have such great looking baked goods on your blog.


Comments from the Sunflowers